Wake Up

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Henry sat in the middle of a circle with his knees up, penning Bendy close while his arms hugged around the toon's head and body. Bendy clung tightly to the man's front, his tail wrapped around Henry and his limbs tucked in.

The two kept their eyes closed to let the moment linger. Just the two of them in the quiet of each other's company while their souls spun in unison.

Henry cupped his hands around Bendy's head and lifted the toon's chin. Bendy blinked up at him, their eyes glimmering with gold. Henry smiled, "My darling little devil," he whispered.

Bendy gave a watery smile and buried his face into Henry's shoulder. Henry graciously held him close and let him be with his creator for a while.

Eventually, Henry had to break the silence. "Bendy? What... happened?"

A thrill of alarm dropped through Bendy's chest. He leaned away so he could talk clearly, "What... what do you mean? You don't remember anything?"

Henry squinted at the middle distance, "I remember... uh... feeling terribly empty. I was with you... then... sand?" He brought up a hand to knead his temples, "It's blurry. I remember seeing you again and getting an urge.... Then there was screaming, and then we were at my desk and I thought I heard-... then I felt... warm."

Bendy lowered his head and knit his hands together in his lap, "You were soulless for a while. You had been fighting against Joey's remnant in his mindspace. When I met you there, you were... s-scary. But you fought your way out! A-and when you were out, you threw the Demon King right into that circle and got rid of it for good!"

"... I scared you?" Henry looked down, his eyes wide and brow bent.

"I-I mean... a little? B-but-but you defeated the Demon King and I-I'm okay-!"

"No," interrupted Henry, "No, I hurt you and made you afraid of me. It doesn't matter if it was to get rid of the Demon King, I should never do that to you. I'm sorry."

Bendy leaned his head against Henry's shoulder, "I forgive you. Just... can we not do something like that again?"

"Absolutely. Never again."

Bendy snuggled down into Henry's lap. His eyes drooped and he stifled a yawn.

"Are Norman and Sammy gone?"

The memories barged through Bendy's head. He glanced at the lifeless ink bodies still laying near the door, "The Demon King pulled their souls out. They're in the Well, I think."

"Same with everyone else? All the other Lost?"


"Can we get them out all at once? I know I can do one at a time but that would take a while."


"... Bendy?" Henry waited until the toon looked up at him, "Are you okay?" he asked gently.

"'M fine..." Bendy climbed out of Henry's lap and stood up, "Let's go get them out."

"Bendy..." Henry took Bendy's hand, "If they're in the Well, they're safe for now. If you're not up to this, I won't force you. Plus, I have a feeling we'll both need to be at full strength to basically rip open a prison."

Bendy's gaze fell and unfocused. He shuffled toward Henry and leaned against his arm with his forehead on the man's shoulder. Henry felt an immaterial nudge to his soul that bloomed into a deep exhaustion.

"Okay," Henry murmured. He scooped Bendy off the ground and tiptoed to the nearest unbroken wall to sit down. Leaning against the wall, he let out a sigh and made himself comfortable, making sure Bendy was securely tucked into his arms. The little thing had already fallen asleep curled up in a ball.

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