Enter The Playing Field

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Bendy glanced behind them. Hallway. He looked forward. Hallway. He looked to the right and left. Wall. He looked up. Ceiling, and the occasional passing light fixture. "Thought the Demon King would be a bit more creative than... a long hallway."

"You and me both," said Sammy. "There hasn't even been a single door."

"I could try to make one," Norman suggested.

"At this point, I won't even contest that."

Taking Sammy's statement seriously, Norman gave a solid punch to the wall. His fist went through easily enough, and wood slats all but crumbled under his downward push.

Beyond the hole was a perfect blackness. Norman's light illuminated nothing. Sammy tossed a piece of wood through, but it vanished as soon as it passed the wall. Sammy took a longer piece of wood and stuck it through the hole, then pulled it back.

The part that went through was now gone.

"All in favor of not going through that?" asked Sammy.

"Aye," said Bendy and Norman in unison.

They left the hole and walked on.

After more long minutes of monotony, Norman spoke up, "The fact that absolutely nothing is happening is creeping me out more than if something jumped us."

"The dead silence is killing me," Sammy said, "I've started hearing ringing in my head."

"Nothin' saying we can't talk."

"Last time we tried that, we nearly bit each other's heads off."

"Well... Bendy? Have you got anything to say?"

The toon started. "M-me? Like what?"

"Um.... We know next to nothing about you, yet you're one of the biggest players, probably bigger than Henry."

"Been around longer, too." Sammy added.

"You've gotta have a killer of a story."

Sammy lifted a hand to his jaw, "I have wondered when and how exactly the Ink Demon came to be..."

Bendy's voice lowered, "So ya wanna know where it all went wrong."

"Well-..." Sammy stopped himself.

"We wanna know your story, Bendy. Your story, from you."

The tip of Bendy's tail tapped against the side of Norman's head, "It's... not very nice."

"Neither are ours," scoffed Sammy.

Bendy inhaled deeply, "Okay. Well... I don't really remember much after I was first... born. Everything is a mix of dark and light, all the sounds were too loud and everything was so cold. There were times when a man would show up. He'd often talk to me, but I didn't understand him.

"I knew when the sacrifices started because I heard the new voices in the Ink. The more that went in, the more the Ink melted them into an evil mind of its own. It started talking to Joey that way, and once he started drinking it, gave him his powers."

"Powers?" Norman questioned.

Bendy nodded, "He could get really strong and sense things humans normally can't. He heard who the Ink was calling to. The Ink could also talk more clearer. I heard it trying to talk to me, and try to make me become a stronger host, but I didn't want to. It thought of me much the same way the Prophet did, actually. Like I was some kind of god that could give it power, but I just wanted someone-... I wanted someone.

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