5 - In the Mind of the Beast

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Was waking up accurate? It was more like becoming aware. Henry could tell wherever he was wasn't quite... physical. He glanced around. Not much to see. The floor was covered in about half an inch of ink. The open space was black and endless. Light existed without any source.

"You're even crazier than I thought."

Henry whirled around.

There stood Joey. Arms crossed, scowling, yet looking exactly the same as he did thirty years ago. "Though, I'll admit, you were right," he suddenly appeared very close to Henry, "I do want to see how this ends."

Henry backed up, putting space between him and Joey. "Where's Bendy?" he demanded.

Joey just gestured to the space. "Look around, boy. You'll find him. This is his head, anyway. A manifestation of his consciousness will be around here somewhere."

Henry marched forward, intending to grab Joey, but his hand phased through air.

Joey appeared behind him. "Don't trust physical senses. This is the mind." He seized a fistfull of Henry's shirt and pulled him close, smiling evilly. "By the time you figure out how this place works, I'll have torn your mind to shreds, leaving that old body of yours brain-dead!"

Henry was dropped and he staggered back, trying to regain his footing. Joey caught his shoulder. "Find the demon. See if I care. I've had my fill of physical games. Can't wait to experiment in the mind."

By the time Henry turned around again, Joey was gone. Henry took several seconds to get his bearings. And take note of something.

Joey was right-handed, but he'd used his left both times he attacked. His right stayed in a fist and kept away from Henry.

So Joey was hiding something.

Okay, that was one thing known for certain. Anything else helpful? Something that could point to Bendy? Henry's gaze lowered to the ink under his feet. He crouched and dipped his finger in it. When he pulled his finger back up, the ink dripped off like water. That... never happened with normal ink. It wasn't this runny and didn't smell like... salt? Against his better judgement, he dripped some ink into his mouth and ended up promptly spitting it out. It was indeed salty, far from the normal, bitter, metallic taste.

Henry stood and brushed off his hands. Well, he now knew that the ink wasn't really ink. More like salty, black water. Didn't help to locate Bendy.

Henry sighed. Should he just pick a direction and start walking?

No. Bad idea.

He needed something to give him a hint. Should he try shouting Bendy's name? Would that even be effective in his own head?

So he just stood. He focused.

Quiet his heart, slow his breathing. Just listen.




... '

... '

... '

There. It sounded like... dripping?

Henry turned toward it and listened again, carefully turning toward the sound's direction.

Then he ran.

It wasn't like normal running, though. He didn't feel like he was running, just sort of willing his mind deeper into this abyss, personified by this extension of his own body.

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