Welcome Home, Bendy

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The next morning, Henry, Bendy, Sammy, and Susie piled themselves into a spare pickup truck Dot had in the garage. They bid farewell to Buddy and Norman, who promised to stay safe and keep an eye on things.

Before Henry knew it, he was driving along a mountain road, making his way toward home.

After all this time. He was actually going home. Four years he spent in Joey's nightmare, four years buried underground with thousands of lost souls.

But now he was free. Everyone was free and he was going home. He was going to see Linda again. Already he could imagine the hug he would give her, tighter than the day they reunited after the war.

A hand batted him upside the head. "Stein. Light's green."

"Backseat driving, Lawrence," Henry replied, turning onto an empty, two-lane road surrounded by bean fields.

Sammy settled down in the back seat of the truck and tapped his foot on the floor. The past hours of travel made his legs stiff. "So. How's it feel?"

Henry scoffed. "It's funny. I thought this would be enough time to let me think about what I'd say, but... I got nothing. I just want to see them."

"I'm surprised people live out here," said Susie, staring out the window. "I didn't know people lived in nothing but fields and windmills."

Henry chuckled. "You get past the big cities, it's nothing but farmland. Frankly, I think it's good to not have too many neighbors."

"Tell me about it," Sammy sighed. "With us looking like... well, this, the fewer people see us, the better."

"We can't be recluses all our lives, Sammy," Susie replied. "We have exceptionally long lives to live."

"I know," said Sammy. "Don't worry. We'll make it work."

In the passenger seat, Bendy looked at Henry from staring out at the never-ending fields. "What's the name of this place again? In-de-any?"

"Indiana," said Henry. "I grew up here. Linda and I moved into my parent's old house after they retired."

"Sure you don't mean after you retired?" Sammy snarked.

"Lawrence, so help me I will turn this car around."


The car stopped suddenly. Everyone caught themselves and looked around.

"What is it?" Susie asked.

Henry's hands felt clammy. He couldn't blame it on any ink since Bendy had removed it before they left.

"Henry?" Sammy prompted.

Henry cleared his throat. "My house is around the bend here."


Bendy laid a hand on Henry's arm. The tether between them fluttered.

"Heh, right you can... feel that," Henry said with a sigh.

"It's okay," Bendy assured, "It's your family. They've been waiting for you. I'm sure they're as scared as you are. You've been gone for a while and they don't know where or what happened. And you don't exactly look the same, either."

Henry laughed derisively. "You mean the permanent pie-cuts in my eyes or the scars everywhere?"

"It's still you," Bendy interrupted. "Despite everything, it's still you. And your family still wants to see you. You want to see them, too."

"Henry." Susie reached forward and gently squeezed his shoulder. "It'll be okay."

"You're right." Henry steeled himself and turned the truck onto the gravel driveway.

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