The Destroyer

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"Are you kiddin' me? A fifth?"

'Buddy' merely stared. "That is what I said, yes."

Norman shouldered his way past the fake boy and shoved through the extra door.

He looked up, finding himself in the dark behind a glass window. He could see the vague reflection of his human self.

The Projectionist walked by, passing through the barrier as if it didn't exist. Norman stared at the creature, himself at one point, lumbering in the dark. It sloshed through the ink, its light sweeping side to side in an endless search.

Norman stood behind the glass on a small hill above the ink. The dark space stretched in every direction with no visible walls. The floor was flooded in knee-deep ink, and a wooden ceiling covered the entire area.

A loud thud came from the ceiling before two platforms slid apart. Light poured in through the hole and three shadows stood around its edge.

"See that down there?" echoed Joey's voice. From Norman's vantage point, he could see the end of Joey's cane pointing into the abyss at the Projectionist. The creature crept around the edge of the square of light, letting out static barks.

A girl's voice floated down, "Mama! He kinda looks like the camera-headed villain from my Souper Boris comic!"

Joey chuckled, "Indeed. Our skittish friend here was actually the inspiration for that character."

A woman's shadow pointed at the Projectionist, "Ah, Joey, is there a... a person in there? It's... like some kind of suit, right?"

"Oh, yes, there is a person under all that. Though he's ah, not very... human."

Norman's pulse rose. He swore he recognized those other two voices. At least... he thought he should. His head felt a little fuzzy.

The woman spoke again, her shadow backing away with the girl. "Joey, this has been enjoyable, but we are here to see Norman. Not... whatever that is you've conjured up."

"But, Jess," Joey interrupted, "That is Norman."

Jess. The name brought a knot to Norman's throat. He wasn't sure why.

Jess was silent for a few moments before laughing derisively, "Joey, that... thing is not my husband."

"He's kinda cool-lookin' though," said the girl.

"Kate, shush."

Kate. Jess and Kate. Thoughts tumbled through Norman's mind. His wife and daughter? Why were they here? Why was Joey showing them the Projectionist? And why did Norman keep believing he'd never met these women?

"You see, my dears," Joey continued, "Our machine-headed friend here is missing something. Kate, dear, you look like a clever young lady. Do you think you can figure it out?" His shadow beckoned the girl to the edge of the pit.

Kate's shadow stepped forward and crouched down. Girl and Projectionist stared at each other. Kate shrugged, "I dunno. Maybe feet? But that could just be the stuff he's standing in."

Joey stood over her, "It is simple, if you can focus. Look a bit closer."

Kate did as told and leaned farther over the opening, shifting her precarious balance to one hand as she tried to block out the Projectionist's flickering light with the other.

Norman found his voice and began pounding on the glass. "Don't! Stay away, Kate! Jess, get her out of there! He'll-!"

Before Norman could finish, Joey's shadow lurched and Kate plunged into the ink with a scream.

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