Prequel Short: Henry's Devil

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Henry took a deep breath, dreading what he knew was a conversation long overdue. His hand ached from the weeks of constant use, and his vision wouldn't quite focus. He honestly didn't remember the last time he'd gotten a good night's rest.

That was something he had to include in this dreaded conversation. Dreaded because Joey didn't take kindly to someone telling him he was doing something wrong. It had been tried before to... no success. Once Joey was set, he wouldn't move.

Now with his nerves tightened even more than before, Henry pushed through the director's office door.

Joey smiled that joyless smile. "Henry! You're looking well. What can I do for you, my friend?"

"Joey, I... I don't think I can do this anymore," Henry said.

Joey's head tilted. He stood behind his desk. "What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean. I've been giving everything I've got; my time, money, sanity, my... my life. Sometimes I feel like you want me to sell my soul to this place."

Joey appeared nonplussed.

"I haven't spent quality time with my family or friends since this company started. I haven't seen Linda-"

Joey scoffed and tossed one hand. "Come now, Henry, they aren't important!"

Henry's gaze followed Joey as the director stepped around his desk to a shelf of memorabilia on the wall. "My future wife isn't important?" Henry challenged, appalled and throwing a glare at Joey's back.

Joey turned and stepped toward Henry with his hands reaching out, "Just take a look at the bigger picture!" He straightened and turned, hands folded behind him, "Your girlfriend isn't worth more than this great empire we've raised," he sneered.

A sudden outrage made Henry seize Joey and crack him across the face. "SHE IS TO ME!"

Joey staggered back, hand lifted to his dropping jaw.

Henry's shoulders heaved, "Honestly, I walked in thinking you'd understand. Guess I'm walking out knowing you never will." He turned for the door.

"Come on, Henry, be reasonable."

Offended, Henry turned back, "R-! Reasonable?! You can't see reason past your own ego! Honestly, I don't think you see people working here, I think you see tools. And one of these days, you're going to find out what happens when those tools no longer want to be used." Again, Henry took the door handle.

"You walk out that door,-" Joey threatened, "-you forfeit your rights to what you've made here. Your buddy, your Bendy. Are you really going to leave him to me?"

Henry sighed. His jaw clenched with his grip. He matched Joey's low tone, "I've known since the day I showed you my first sketch, you haven't let me have Bendy. Maybe one day I'll grow the spine to fight for my creations." Henry glared ice at Joey, "Right now, I won't let you have me."

Henry left.

Norman slammed the door open. "Sammy!"

The musician flailed, "Norman, I have one rule-!"

"Henry's leaving!"

"... What?"

Henry hurriedly stuffed whatever he could fit into a box. "You're not changing my mind," he told Norman, "If you can do anything, then follow me."

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