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"- might have trouble staying alive."

Henry backed against the wall and gripped his head.

That spark dying...

Sammy was dead.

He failed his friend.

Sammy, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I failed, I'm so sor-


A hand touched his shoulder. He jolted, "Back off!"

Norman flinched back, raising his palms.

Henry gasped, "N-Norman. I'm sorry, I-... I didn't mean-"

"I- saw- what happened. You-."

"Please don't."

Everyone fell silent and Henry sank his head back into his hands.

Norman's reels clicked softly as he hesitantly touched Henry's shoulder. "Have to- leave it-. We have no- time."

Henry's head snapped up. "Time."

Both Norman and Buddy tilted their heads.

Henry stood up, "We're back here. We have time to save him."

"I don't get- what are you saying?"

A fiery light flickered in Henry's eyes. "We can get to Sammy in time, but we have to go! Now!"

Between the running and smashing apart Searchers, Henry managed to explain the jist of what happened and why he was rushing. They went back in time, meaning back before Sammy had been killed, meaning if they hurried, they could get to him in time.

They once again killed the Gang, Buddy ran off for the switch in the flooded halls, and all three of them intentionally got shut in Bertrum's room.

His ride had inexplicably been reassembled. It didn't even wait for them to approach, coming to life with a roar and spinning the arms like mad.

Henry brandished his axe. "Okay, you know what to do? If we work together, we could-"

Before he could finish, Norman had already leapt between the spinning arms to cling to the frame of an open door. Bertrum's head swung toward the inkling, mouth and eyes agape in silent horror. Norman's hand pulled back, "I'm so sorry..."  Henry heard him say before his hand cracked full force between the eyes of the horrid effigy.

An awful shriek exploded from the both of them. Ink spurted from the ride, slithering up Norman's arm and curling around the back of his mechanical head.

Norman's shriek was abruptly cut short as his head was jerked backwards and his light shone full brightness to project on the ceiling. His arm remained stuck fast in the possessed ride.

Buddy and Henry craned their necks to watch the image on the ceiling. It was as if taped from someone's eyes, a first-person film. A voice that wasn't Norman's barked from his speaker. 

"This is my park! My glory! You may think I've gone, but I'm still here!"

The view turned from a recording tape to face down a nonplussed Joey Drew. The view's owner, apparently Bertrum himself, froze and tried to stutter something, but Joey's hand snapped up, silencing him. "You talk big, Bertie. But like your little projects, it was never big enough. Never grand enough."

"I will not leave you to take my work!" Bertrum growled, "I will not leave some... some devil like yourself to taint my masterpiece!"

"Oh you won't leave, that's for sure." Joey stalked toward Bertrum, a murderous look in his eye. Bertrum backed up.

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