Prequel Short: Sammy's Angel

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Norman leaned against the doorframe of the main room to the Music Studio. "Hey Sam, ya hear the news? Joey decided he wanted to give Alice a voice. Like, fer real."

Sammy didn't look up from his music. "Don't call me Sam. And why do I care?"

"Well, the dame singin' for her is gonna do so in that booth, right alongside the band."

Sammy's attention snapped to Norman. "A woman? I-in my studio?"

"Yup." Norman popped the 'p' and internally snickered at the red rising to Sammy's ears. "An' I hear she's quite a gal," he sang, striding away all proud of himself for embarrassing the hapless romantic that was Sammy Lawrence, try as he might to hide it.


Jack Fain watched his boss pace to and fro, Sammy's hands moving about as if they had a mind of their own. Sammy seemed flustered and ruffled ever since Susie had sung Alice's theme that morning. The music director had summoned his lyricist for the vague reason of 'needing a better Angel'.

"It's not enough!" he said, that being the only understandable words Jack had heard from him in the past fifteen minutes. "It's too mundane. Someone like her needs a song that will let her come to life! Something positively extraordinary!"

Jack glanced at the unfinished score under his hand, "Sir, are we sure we're still talking about Alice?"

"Don't-" Sammy stopped pacing for a moment and pointed at Jack, "-don't patronize me, Fain."

Jack smiled, "Sir, all respect, I may not have Mister Polk's keen eye, but even I can see you've got a flame for the dame."

"You are treading on fragile ground, Jack," Sammy warned, though his voice held no danger.

"We could all see it!" Jack insisted, "You had more focus on her than on your music, and, according to you, it's 'nothing short of impossible' to get your attention away from your music."

Sammy resumed pacing, his arms crossed and tense. He turned a few rounds, then stopped and tapped his foot. "... Do you think Joey knows?"

"Well maybe. Why?"

"He won't like it."

"Does Mister Drew like anything?"

"Not since Henry left."

"Hm." Jack lifted the brim of his hat with his pencil, "He sounded like a nice guy. Wish I met him."


Joey cocked an eyebrow at the gofer, "New theme for Alice? Why? What was wrong with the first one?"

"I dunno, Sir. He just told me to deliver it."

Joey hummed, "Well, thank you for telling me. Run along, now."

"Yes, Sir."

The door closed. Joey's demeanor shifted to contempt as he stared down the music in his hand. 'I'll Be Your Angel', read the title.

Joey's mouth curled down into a cruel scowl. "So, Samuel, let me guess. You've ignited a flame with Miss Campbell and want to give her something special for Alice. That won't do, prophet. That won't do."


The ring shopkeeper smiled warmly at Sammy, "Good morning, sir. How can I help you?"

"I'm looking for a ring fit for an angel," Sammy declared, not bothering to hide the adoration in his eyes.

"Ah, a special one, then?"

Sammy chuckled and shook his head, "Like you wouldn't believe."

"One moment, sir, I'll get a selection for you."

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