Life without each other

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Ashley POV 

I sign up for the community college. I didn't feel like going to college right away. Not only was I nervous, I was alone. I start my classes the next week. Now I'm getting ready to relax. Or so I thought. I hear a knock on the door and it's Krissy.

Krissy: What chu doing??

Me: Nothing...

Krissy: No Ma'am! Our men are fighting for us and I don't think that they want us to sit around and be bored out of our minds. GET YOU ASS UP!! 

I got up and headed to the bathroom.


I put my hair up in a 1B Ponytail in and put on a tank top and some shorts. I came out and Krissy laughed.

Krissy: Why not use your real hair??

Me: And mess up this perm? PLEASE!

She laughed harder as we walked out the house.

Shad POV

As I'm riding off to training camp, I came across 2 people. I met my childhood homie Jon Gordon, who's married to Victoria, and to Kelly Smith, who's still a mama's boy. We were catching up when I showed them a picture of my wife. God I miss her. When we arrive I'm sending her a letter to let her know that I'm alright. We finally arrive at the boot camp and we got straight to work. Damn, the army is harder than I thought.

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