High School: Senior Year

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I wake up to the sound of the arlam. I got up, streched, took a shower, did the hygene thing, got dressed and headed downstairs. I waited for my girl Kim and Zhay to come and pick me up. We've been girls since 5th grade. We've been down through thick and then, but now its senior year. Zhay is going to stay in Houston with her boyfriend Chris and start something new. She's going to go to the fashion school so she can be a designer. Kim is going to Detroit to record a gospel album. Isn't that awesome!! Her boyfriend Omari is already there. As for me, I'm going to University of Florida. Yes, I'm going to the SOUTH! LOL! I want to become a producer/journalism and Florida has the best programs. I hear the horn hunk and I rush out the door. I walk up to Zhay's car, hoped in the back and we pull off. We arrive at school and we got out. We walk into school and I go straight to my locker. I see the group of boys standing there so I go to the other building. I walk up the stairs when I bump into him. He stuff went everywhere. I get down and picked it up.

Me: I'm so sorry.

Him: You should be.

I looked up at him.

Me: Excuse Me?

Him: You are sorry. Pick up my stuff!

I dropped what I had back on the ground and got in his face.

Me: I'm nobody's servant. I don't have to do anything!

I continued to walk up the stairs and I reached my locker. I felt hands on my back and I turned around quick! It was my girl Kristen. I laugh.

Me: Gurl, don't do that.

Kristen: Sorry. You looked so mad.

Me: I am, but I'll be alright.

Kristen: You don’t need me to kill nobody, do you?

Me: Na.

Kristen: You sure?

Me: Yes, Kristen.

Just then, Ria and Robbie walks down the hall hand and hand. They have been together ever since freshman year and they are always together. I give Robbie some dap and give Ria a kiss on the check just as the bell rings. I get my things, say my goodbyes and see ya laters and walk to my first period. I walk in and take my seat. As the tardy bell rings, he walks in. I roll my eyes at him as he walks into the teacher’s desk. He hands the teacher a schedule and he stands there for a minute. He must be new. The teacher points to me and he walks over to me.

Him: Is this seat taking.

Me: Yea, by my invisible friend Sally. Say 'Hey' Sally.

He rolls his eyes.

Him: Is someone sitting there or not?

Me: Is anyone sitting there?

Him: No....

Me: Than there's your answer!

I roll my eyes as he sits down. This is gonna be a long year.

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