I'm Your Baby Tonight

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It's Saturday Night and I looked up at Ashley's ceiling. I didn't  want to stay in this house. I wanted to go out and just chil and relax and have a good time. I was about to close my eyes when I heard yelling.

Voice One: You need to go!

Voice Two: Come on baby...Nothing happened....

Voice One: LIAR!

Voice Two: Why you acting like that?

Voice One: Acting like what, Chris? Not only did I see you with Harmony, but with Toya as well. You don't respect me as your girlfriend. You put others before me and I'm sick of being second best. We're over.

Chris: Baby...

Voice One: Ashley! My name is Ashley!

Ashley and Chris have been going out since freshman year. They broke up not too long ago. I walked into the kitchen, where they were arguing.

Chris: Ashley, can we try to make this work.....

Ashley: WHAT WORK?!?!

Chris: Ashley, please...

Ashley: Look. You never loved me. Just admit it. I didn't need you to love me than and I don’t need you to love me now! You're nothing but baggage and I don’t need that right now! Don't come running back to me cause I wont be waiting anymore....We're Done! I'm sick of crying over something that is no longer mine....I'm moving on...whether you like it or not! We will never be husband and wife like you promise....just...Let me live my life in peace....I gave you your space...Let me have mine....for good....

Ashley walks away but he grabs her and slams her into the fridge door. I grab the back of his shirt and moved him off of her.

Me: Get out!

He looks at Ashley with a hateful look. Then he leaves. Than Ashley punches the fridge door and walks out the kitchen. I follow her to her  bedroom and she sits on the bed. She crosses her legs and begins ro rock.

Ashley: Am I that weak?

I kneel before her and I grab her hands and kissed them.

Me: No. You’re not weak. You did what was best for you and I'm so proud of how you stuck up for yourself. 

I look at the clock. It's 09:30pm. 

Me: Get dressed.

Ashley looking at me confused.

Me: It's Saturday. The night is young. Let's go to the club!

She smiled. She went to the bathroom and shut the door. I got dressed and called my boys and told them to meet me at the Spot. We were gonna get our club on tonight. Ashley came out in a purple and teal strapless cocktail dress. I grabbed her hands and said 'Let's Go.'


I walked out the house linked to Shad's arm as we walked to his car. We drove to the Spot and once we arrived, we walked inand it was packed.

Shad: I'm your baby tonight, sexy mama.

 I lauged as we walked on the dance floor. I love dancing with him. We started to grind on each other when  a song by Day 26 was on and Shad was mouthing the words to me. I could help but blush. Than "You Know That I Love You" by Donell Jones plays through the speakers. 

Me: I LOVE this song!!!

Shad: Than this could be our song...

I looked at him and smiled. He's making me feel so much better. 

Me: That sounds perfect. 

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