5 Months Later...

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Ashley POV

Today marks 5 months since Shad left for the Army and I have to say, I'm holding up very well. I know most people would probably cheat on there spouse by now, but I would never cheat on Shad because men don't have what Shad has. I made a vow, before God and man, and I am committed to keeping that vow. I woke up, took a shower, and went to school.  I walk into my French class with a t-shirt and matching camouflage pants, my hair in a ponytail, and my Baby Phat book bag. I sat in my seat when my baby, B. Scott walks in. He sees me, screams, and walks to me, giving me a hug. "Honey, where have you been? I missed you!" I giggled and replied, "B, you saw me YESTERDAY!" We laugh as we take our seats. The teacher and his TA walk into the room. Mr. Williams writes on the board and takes his set. "Si vous avez eu un souhait dans le monde, que ce serait-il et pourquoi ?" (If you had one wish in the world, whether it would it be and why?) I get to writing. Now my page is full, front and back. I was in the midst of finishing my sentence when I hear, " Coup manqué. Phyllis, s'il vous plaît monter au devant et nous dit votre réponse." ( Miss. Phyllis, please go up to the front and tell us your answer.)  I rolled my eyes as I walked up to the front. I exhaled and read in French. The teacher smiled, and I translated what I said in English, for my class looked pure de confused. " If I had one wish, it would be to spend more time with my husband. As most of you know, I'm married to Cadet Shad Moss, my high school sweetheart. After we graduated, we went to Vegas and got married. He left me the next morning to serve in the United States Army." I paused as the class stood and gave me a standing ovation. I held the tears in my eyes with a hand over my heart as the ovation became overwhelming. I continued at the applause died down. "I have many things to wish for. I wish he didn't have to leave. I wish he would come home, but my deepest wish of all is that I wish he'll be here for the birth of our first child." The whole class looked at me in pure shock and erupted in more cheer. The teacher claps his hands and said, "Félicitations Phyllis ! Loin vous sont comment?" (Congratulations Phyllis! How far you are?)  I answered him and I said to the class, "I'm five months." 

Let Me Fill You In: 2 months after we got married, I felt sick. So I called Krissy and gave her a list of items I need. I left the door unlocked just in case I was in the bathroom and she can just walk in. Well, she walked in as soon I was done and was flushing the toilet. She handed me a box and said, "Take this." I looked at her and she pointed to the bathroom door. I sighed and took the test and it said I wasn't pregnant. I thought it wasn't accurate and I decided to go to the doctor. The doctor came in and said "Congratulations, Mrs. Moss. You're with first child." My eyes got wide as I screamed at the top of my lungs. I was crying both tears of joy and tears of sorrow. What if Shad never comes home? What if he misses the birth of our love that we made? I got changed and went back to the house. I called Krissy and told her the news. She was on her way to the house. When I got there, she demanded that I relax. While I went to relax, Krissy was making her secret family soup and went to check my mail. She doesn't want me on my feet unless it's for school, doctor appointments, or anything else that she thinks is important. I laugh because she's gonna be an auntie and she's excited. She walked into the house and hands me paper and a pen, with a letter from Shad. A smile crept on my face. I opened, read, and written a letter. I wrote him back, placed the sonogram in the letter, sprayed Sweet Pea on the envelope,  sealed it with a kiss, and Krissy took it down to the post office while I had to stay in bed.

**A Few Weeks Later**

Shad POV

I was sitting on my bunk bed. After a long day of drill, I was tired. I just kicked off my boots when Richardson came in with the daily mail. "MOSS!" I looked up and held my hand in the air as he handed me my letter. I looked down and smiled as I saw that it was from home. I placed the note to my nose and sniffed it. The smell of Victoria Secret's Sweet Pea filled my nostrils and a smile formed on my face. Oh, how I miss my wife. I opened the letter when a picture fell out of it. I picked it up and placed it beside me as I read the letter from my wife. After re-reading it, I picked up the picture beside me. It was a sonogram with a caption, "Hi Daddy" next to its foot.  After I quick silence, I  yelled! The men in the room looked at me like I had five heads. I proclaimed, " YO! I'm Going To Be a Dad!" After a second of silence, the men erupted with cheer and they came over to congratulate me. I can't believe it. Tears formed in my eyes as I held the picture of my child. I am the luckiest man in the world. 

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