3 Months Later.....

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Ashley POV

Ever since the incident that happened on the first day of school, Shad and I became close. We basically have every class together except one elective. He has ROTC and I have chorus with my girls. It's now December and it's 6 months til graduation.(School started in August) Today my girls and I were in class when we had to sing Destiny's Child Lose My Breathe/Solider with the band, our hip hop dance team and ROTC. Once we got done, we heard a man clap. 

Man: Job well done. 
Me: Um, who are you?
Man: A very important man. May I speck to your coach? We pointed in his direction and he was talking to Cocah. 

Once we got done, we all went separate ways. I stayed after to watch Shad in his ROYC uniform. Damn, he looks mighty good in that suit. I take out my phone and take a picture. I saved it and put is as my screen saver. After ROTC practice, Shad went to go change. I couldn't get him out my mind like seriously! Damn, am I feeling Shad?? What if I am?? Oh geez!

Shad: Ashley??

I look up to see him looking at me.

Shad: Are you ok?
Me: Yea. Was in deep thought. What's sup??
Shad: Ready to go??
Me: Oh Yea! Let's.
I grab my things and we left. We was alking down the hall when he asked to use my phone. I secretly smiled as I handed it to him. He flipped it open and his face dropped. He looked up at me and said 'Run.' I dropped my stuff and was running like the police was after me. He dropped his stuff and chased me down the hallways. I was laughing until he caught me. I squeal as he picked me up over his shoulders and carried me. 

Shad: You're gonna pay. 
Me: Put me down!! 
Shad: Nope! 

Then suddenly he started running. I gripped his shirt and held on to dear life. He stops and puts me down. 

Shad: Wilson.....Coming.... 

We quickly grab our stuff and ran out the school. We got to the front, looked at each other, and started laughing. He puts an arm around me and we walk to his truck. I got in the front and we headed to the dance studio in Downtown. It's a wonderful place. The people are great and everything. While Shad and his friends dance, I changed into my work out clothes and headed to the gym to get my work out on. I was on the treadmill when they walked in. Their abs caught my attention. I rolled my eyes and continued to jog.

Shad POV

Dance Teacher: Good Job fellas. See you next week.

I grab my shirt and my bottle water and leave the room. I walk into the gym to see Ashley on the Treadmill. Damn, she looks so sexy. I love it when she sweats. I can't wait until we sweat together, if you know what I mean. I love me some Ashley. She's my ride or die chick. She just don’t know it yet. She hoped of the treadmill and she looked like she was going to something else but she seen me. She grabs her bag and heads toward me. I wrap my arm around her shoulder and we walk out to the car. We got it and we headed to her house. I told her that I was gonna take a shower and then come over. She hoped out the car and into the house. I park my car at her house, and walked next door. I open the door and walked in. Ugh, beer and wine bottles everywhere. I roll my eyes as I collect all the bottles and threw them away. I look at the picture of my mom on the wall and what I'm looking at. Man Ma What happened? I rolled my eyes and head upstairs. I grab a bag of clothes and head out the door. I walked next door and knocked on the door. Paige answered the door and lets me in. I made the way to the guess room and unpacked my clothes. I was taking of my shirt when I heard singing coming from my bathroom. I looked at the door. It was opened. 

Me: Ashley?

She walks out the bathroom with her bra and her matching underwear. Damn. She just don’t know.

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