Missing You

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(Author Note: This post is very hard for me. My father did die on December 31 but not because of the War. This chapter may cause you to cry because I'm crying from re-reading it.)

Ashley POV

After we arrived in town, I spent the night at Jon's house. I tossed and turned in my sleep and I couldn't sleep. I put on my shoes and walked out the door. I had on a tank and boyshort set but I didn't care. I hoped in the car and drove into town. The street light was poorly lit as I pulled up into the cemetery. I got out the car and walked over to a familiar grave. It had one tombstone with a picture of a happy couple. I dropped to my knees and cried.

Preston M. Williams
A wonderful Father, Husband, and Friend.
Loyal to his Country.

Kelly A. Williams
A wonderful Wife, Mother and Friend

I took a deep breath as I close my eyes and hold a gold 'Class of '01' ring and chain around my neck. I remember that day like it was yesterday...

*December 31, 1999*

I was home for the Christmas holiday and I hear a knock on the door. I looked at the clock and it read 9:45pm. Kim's early, I thought. I walked to the door and answered and it was a man with an army suit.

Man: Is Kelly Amber Williams around?

Me: No, sir. She's not in at the moment.

Man: It is urgent that I see her.

Just than my mom pulls up in the drive way. She walks up and he hands her the letter. She grasp her heart and her eyes fill up with tears. She runs in the house than out. She kisses my cheek, tells me she loves me and leaves. I picked up the letter from the ground and it read:

It is our deepest regret to inform you that you're husband, Preston M. Wong, has died on December 25, 1999. His body will be brought back to Tampa International Airport on January 1st at 0830.

I closed my eyes, dropped to my knees and cried. I got up and headed away from the man. He tries to grab onto me but I punched him in the chest. I ran all the way to my friend Jordan's house. I banged on the door and he answered. He didn't have to ask what's wrong. I wrap my arms around him and hugged him and tight as I can. Around 11:30pm, Jordan walked me home. When I arrived there, cops were everywhere. I walked over to the yellow tape.

Me: What's going on?

Officer: Ma'am please back away....

Me: Sir, I live here.

He lets me and Jordan under the rope and I walk up to the officer.

Me: Sir, what's going on?

Sir: Do you know this woman?

He shows me a picture.

Me: Yes, that's my mother....

Sir looks at me.

Sir: I'm sorry to have to tell you this but....

He stops.

Me: What is it?

Sir: Your mother was found dead around 10:45 this evening....

My heart stops. I clench my chest as if I couldn't breathe. Jordan holds me as more tears start to flow from my face. I let out a loud scream so the whole world can know that I lose both my parents on the happiest day of the year.

Happy New Years.....

*June 13,2001*

It's been a year since my parents died and I'm ok.  I got home and I see an army car parked in front of my house. I stopped as Jordan hoped out of it. I dropped my school books and ran to him. I gave him a tight hug as I knew he wasn't going to come home for a very long time. I kissed him on cheek and he gave me his class ring.

Jordan: I'm always with you. Love you lil sis.

Me: Love you too Doc.

With that he hoped in the car and drove off.


 I was still on my knees holding my chain when I look up and seen a dark shadow. I stood as he walked forward.

Voice: Baby?!?

I sighed as I realized it was Shad. I walked over to him and leaned my head on his shoulder.

Me: I don't want to end up like them.

Shad: You won't baby. You won't. Let's go home.

We walked hand and hand as we go to our separate cars to head home.

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