2 Years Later...

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Ashley POV

I was feeding De'Leah Renee her breakfast. For the past two years, she has been the pride and joy of my life. After finishing college, I decided to be a stay-at-home mom, until Shad comes home.  I tell her all about her dad and how he isn't here. He's working, fighting for not only us but for the world and that he'll be home soon. I was wiping the table when there was a knock on the door. I grabbed De'Leah and we walked to the door. I opened it. De'Leah bounced up and down, reaching out her arms. "Ti-Ti!!!!" I laughed as Kim and Zhay walked through the door. "Hey, Leah!" Kim said as she picked her up. Kim planted kisses on De'Leah's face and she giggled. Zhay looked at me and said, "Girl, come on! You gotta get ready for tonight!" I sighed. It was the annual Military Valentine's Day Gala at the air force base and I wasn't in the spirit to go. "Y'all still want me to go?" I asked. "GIRL YES!" Kim and Zhay yelled. I laughed at their facial expressions. "Listen, I'll take De'Leah and Zhay can make sure that you get dressed." I sighed as I looked at their faces. "OK! OK!" I finally gave in. They both cheered as I walked out of the room. I re-entered the room, handed Kim De'Leah's baby bag, and kissed De'Leah goodbye. After they walked out the door, I went to get ready.

Kim's POV

I stood at the airport with De'Leah as Marc held the camera. I changed De'Leah into another outfit with a homemade bling t-shirt that said, "Welcome Home Daddy." As military personnel began to walk out of the shuttle area, I spotted Shad from the distance. Before I could blink, I see De'Leah running towards Shad. "Daddy!!!!" De'Leah yelled. Shad turned and fell down to his knees as he saw his daughter running towards him. I got choked up as I saw him pick up his daughter and just hold her. I walked up to him and he hugged me. "Hey, Sis," Shad said. I hugged him and replied, "Hey bro." " He looked at De'Leah and asked her, "Ready to go get Mommy?" De'Leah clapped and said, "Mommy surprise!!!" He laughed and said, "Yes. Let's go surprise Mommy." "I have you tux waiting for you in the car." He smiled and said, "Perfect."

Ashley POV

Zhay and I arrived at the gala! I have on an all gold off-shoulder sequined evening gown with matching Jessica Simpson open-toed stiletto heels. I felt like a princess. I got off the phone with Shad earlier today and it made my entire day. June can not get here fast enough! Although we talk on Skype once every few months,  I have not touched my husband since he was deported. He had to witness the birth of De'Leah via Skype due to the fact that he was in Iraq and couldn't come home. I do miss my husband. As I was sitting down, I saw Trey and Keri Neverson. Trey is a stay-at-home dad and Keri was back from her 6th tour in Iraq! I greeted them with love and we sat down. I was catching up with Keri when Shad and I's song came on. I started to get teary-eyed as I thought about him. "Excuse me?" I turned back behind me and I saw Marc, Kim's boyfriend behind me. "Hey, Marc." "Hey. May I have this dance?" I sighed. I knew what Marc and the others were trying to do and as much as I wanted to be sad, I didn't. I nodded. I excused myself and went dancing with Marc. We were dancing with each other. I was deep in thought and humming along with the song when I hear a voice that I have been dreaming about for the last 2 years. "Mind if we cut in?" I stopped moving. "This is a dream...This is a dream." I thought to myself. I turned around and covered my mouth as I saw Shad and De'Leah standing behind me. Shad in his army suit and De'Leah was in a gold dress holding flowers in her hands. I nod my head and went into his arms, kissing his lips. "Hi Baby..." I managed to say in the midst of my tears. "Hello, Beautiful." He replied with a smile. I hugged him as I cried on him. I feel a tug on my dress. I looked down to see DeLeah holding the flowers to me. I picked her up. "Mommy...don cwy...." She said. She patted my back and I cried harder. Nothing can be more perfect. I have my husband and my daughter. I turned around and I saw my girls dapping their faces and Marc holding the phone capturing the moment. I will get them later but right now I have my favorite people in the world in my arms again. Nothing can go wrong!!


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