The New Kid

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Shad POV 

Ugh I hate being the new kid! This is my last year in high school and I moved, yet again! Man this is getting old. I arrived at school already in a pissy mode and thing some chicken head gonna bump into me. I picked my stuff up, and head towards the office. I got my schdule and headed to my first class. I walked in, handed the teacher my schdule, and she pointed to the back. I looked and I walked over to where the teacher pointed to.

Me: Is this seat taking?

Her: Yea, by my invisible friend Sally. Say 'Hey' Sally.

I rolled my eyes. I do NOT have time for this today...

Me: Is someone sitting there or not?

Her: Is anyone sitting there?

Me: No....

Her: Than there's your answer!

I look at her. She had a ‘tude.

Me: What the hell is your problem?

Her: YOU!

Me: Me?

Her: Yes!

Just then my cellphone dropped.

Her: Do you want me pick that up, too?

Me: Na. I got it.

I picked up my phone. I looked at her and I rememebered who she was. She was the girl I snapped on in the hallway. If I was her, I would have snapped on me too. I sat down next to her.

Me: Look, I'm sorry for snappin at chu.

Her: Well...I accepet you apologize

Me: I’m Shad. Shad Moss.

Her: Ashely. Ashley Nicole Smith.

Me: So you just gonna give me your whole name, like identify theif isn't real in this country...

Ashley: Please, anyone who steal my I.D gonna be broke...

I laughed at her as we shake hands and we start on our work. This is gonna be a good school year...

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