Date Night

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Shad POV

After leaving Ashley house, I rushed home to get dressed. A showered, and got dressed. I looked at myself in the mirror once more. Once I approved of my outfit, which was an pruple and plaid top, black pants, and purple Jordans, I walked out the house, got into my car and drove to Ashley's house. I parked and calm myself down, for I was nervous as hell. I got out the car, and jogged up to the front door, and knocked on the door.  The door opened and it was Paige.

Paige: Hey. Ashley isn't here and before you think she stood her up, she's at the arena.

Me: Arena??

Paige: Yes. Some game is in town and they needed a girl group to sing the national anthem at the game so they called Ashley, Zhay and Kim to do it. Totally last minute, I might add.

I laughed at Paige, and left to the arena. I got there and walked through the back. I walked in to see Cocah, and Jon, our band director there. 

Me: Hey.

They looked at me.

Cocah: Hey there son! What's sup? Why you here?

Me: I have a date with Ashley after this...

Jon: Really??!?! Good Luck.

I laughed at Jon just as the announcer announces the girls and they sung the National Anthem. After they were done, they walked off the floor and as they walked, Ashley saw me. She smiled and head towards me. I held out my arms and she hugged me.

Ashley: What...Paige told you didn't she?

Me: Yup and she was quite upset I might add...

She laughed as she turned to Zhay and Kim.

Ashley: Alright ladies, I'm out.

Zhay: And just where do you think you're going??

Ashley: I got a date. I'll see you tomorrow guys.

We waved goodbye as we walked out the arena. I escorted her to my car, helped her get in. I released a breathe and walked over to the driver side, and drove off.

Ashley POV

After performing at the arena, Shad and I headed towards town. I was so excited and shocked to see Shad at the arena but than again I'm not because Paige tells everything. LOL. We arrived to Olive Garden and we got out. We walked in and was immediately escorted to our seats.

Shad: I'm so proud of you guys. You guys did a good job.

Me: Thank you hunny.

Shad blushed as our waiter came and we ordered our meal.  As the waiter left, Shad takes my hand in his and looks me in the eye. I saw seriousness in his eyes. 

Shad:You that I'm feelin you, right?

Me: Yes.

Shad: and I hope you are feelin me too.

Me: I am.

Shad: I understand that you're not ready, and I understand. I'm willing to wait for you.

Me: No.

Shad: No?

Me: I wanna be with you. I wanted to be with you for a long time.

I leaned accrose the table and kissed his cheek. He blushed as the food came out. As the waiter was leaving, Shad's cellphone rings...

Shad: Hello......WHAT!.....ARE YOU SERIOUS!!!!.....No, she's right here....I'll tell her.....Ok....Bye.

He hangs up the phone looks at me.

Sahd: Doc, we we're picked...

Me: Baby, calm down! What's going on?

Shad: Our school was picked to sing IN DALLAS for the THANKSGIVING GAME!!!

Me: WHAT!!

I laughed as he picked me up and twriled me around. We begin to kiss.  I have to was the best day of my life.

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