Senior Night

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Shad POV

Tonight was Senior Night, the day that seniors from the football team, cheerleading team, and ROTC was recognize. I was the only ROTC member that is a senior. I didn’t want to do this because I didn’t want to celebrate the fact that I’m a senior. I’m disappointed that my mom, who was supposed to escort me down the field, wasn’t going to. I shook my head at the thought. I took my place on the field as the announcer says “Everyone please as we sing the national anthem lead by Senior Ashley Washington.” I held the flag as I heard my baby sing the song. She’s the real reason why I’m here. After she was done, we walked off the field. Our group walked back towards the ROTC room when SGT. Kelly called me towards him. I walked towards him and another man standing beside him.

SGT. Kelly: Moss, this CPL. Jordan Michaels. He is home for the season and he is here to surprise his sister. She has no idea that he’s here, let alone home.

Me: Yes Sir. May I asked who your sister is?

CPL. Michaels: Ashley Williams.

My eyes got big. I finally met her best friend Jordan.

Me: I’m Shad Moss. I’m Ashley’s Boyfriend.

I shook his hands.

CPL. Michaels: Firm Handshake. I like that.

I nod. They explained to me what the plan was and I agreed. I can’t wait to see Ashley’s face when she seen Jordan. 

Ashley POV

I stand in the middle of the field nervous. I was standing in the place of Shad's mom who couldn't make it to see her son walk onto the field. 

Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen, from ROTC, please give it up for Cadet Shad Moss!!!!

I smiled as I seen Shad Moss walk toward me at the middle of the field. 

Announcer: Shad is the only senior this year in the ROTC program. He has a 4.9 GPA and is planning on going into the US Military after graduation. Tonight he is walking towards his girlfriend Ashley Williams. Congratulations Shad Moss!

Shad reaches me and kisses my lips. 

Me: I'm so proud of you baby. 

Shad: Thank you hunny. 

Just as I was about to say something...

Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen, We have a special surprise for Ashley Williams


Announcer: Ashley, please direct your attention to the screen.

I looked at Shad than to the screen. I cover my mouth to hold back the scream as I see Jordan's face on the screen. 

Jordan: Hey sis! I just wanted to tell you that I love you and that I'm so proud of you and tha....

The screen went black. I wiped the tears that fell from my face. What was he gonna say?!?!

Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen, please stand and welcome home Cpl. Jordan Michaels After serving 5 years in Iraq! He's an alumni here at Armwood High School! Congrats and Welcome Home! 

I turned and I seen Jordan walking from the endzone. I kicked off my heels and ran towards him. He runs towards me, and I wrapped my arms around him as he twirls me around. 

Jordan: I told you I'd be back sis. 

I clinched him longer. My best friend, my brother, my only family I know is home. 

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