You Owe Me...

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Ashley POV

I walked out the guest room bathroom when I seen Shad shirtless. Babyboy was packin. I looked at him as he laughed at my facial expression.

Shad: I've been working out. It's a work in progress!
Me: A work in progress?
Shad: Yea.
Me: Damn!

I just shook my head. Shad laughs at me and comes and wraps his arms around me.

Shad: (whispers in my ear) You owe me..
Me: Owe you what?

Shad suddenly kisses my neck until his kiss on spot that sent shivers down my spine.

Me: ooooo....

Shad: It doesn't matter what. Just know you owe me..

With that he slaps my butt and walks out the room. I bit my lip as I try to stop myself from blushing. It didn't work.

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