The "Dictionary

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Ashley's POV

I woke up at 6:30am. I took a shower, did the hygene thing, and got dressed. It's Sunday and I have to sing at my church and you know your girl had to look right. I left the house and got to church early. Kim and Zhay were already there. We walked in together and sat in the fourth row. After the choir sung, the deacon called us up and we took the stage. We positioned ourselves and we sung our medley. It's a combination of all our songs and we just sing each part. After we song, we sat down and we listened to the sermon and it was over at 9:30am. I gave them a hug and I left. I walked home, and I smelled food. I walked into the house and into the kitchen to see eggs, grits, toast, sausage, and waffles on the table. I know it wasn't Paige because she can't cook.

Voice: There you are! Girl where you been??

I looked to Krissy bringing out a plate of bacon. I laughed at her. I gave her a hug and I told her that Kim, Zhay and I had an engagement and we had to go.

Krissy: Did yall go good?

Me: Yea.

Krissy: Can you come with me to the store? You need something sweet to drink in this house.

We walk out the house and to the corner store. We arrive to see a group of men and rockers standing by the door. We walked in the door as the store managers walked out.


He walked back as me and Krissy giggled at him. We got Ginger Ale, Orange Soda, Spirte, and Fruit Punch. We paid for our things and we walked out. We headed down the road when we seen two dudes walking towards us. I rolled my eyes as they approached us.

Him 1: What's sup?

Me: The sky.

Krissy: Your dictionary.

Him 2: Do you like what you see??

Me: Sorry. I don't deal with rockers.

Krissy: I do.

I turn and walked away when Him 1 steps to me.

Him 1: My name is Michael.

Me: Ashley.

Michael: Well, how bout you roll with me?

Me: Um, I have a man.

A little white lie but he don't have to know that.

Michael: So. What he don't know wont hurt him.

Me: You say that. I just started this relationship, and I'm not about to mess it up because you want to get some. If that's the case, you can get a broad on Nebraska Ave.

Michael: Come On ma, why you gotta lie? You don't have a man.

Me: Rocker please.

Michael: I don't want chu anyway. I just want you to suck my dictionary.

I looked at him as Krissy walks over to me with a sheet of paper in her hand.

Krissy: He just saved my life. Ash? Are you ok??

Me: Yea. Just so you know, your dictionary isn't big enough for my vocabulary.

Shad POV

I was in the room when I heard the front door open and close. I walk up to the kitchen to see Krissy sitting on the stool as Ashley was talking.

Ashley: The nerve of him! Talking about 'suck my d' Fool got the wrong one. I am NOT one of them slutbuckets's on Nebraska Ave, ok! UGH! Then he gonna sugar code it, talking about the dictionary. Please, I don't think that rocker can spell dictionary!

I walk in and wrap my arms around her as I kiss her shoulder.

Me: Hey baby girl.

Ashley: Hey baby.

She pecks my lips and she walks to the fridge to put the drinks away. I look to see Krissy looking at us weird like.

Me: What?

Krissy: Um, when did this happen.

Me: It hadn't... Yet

Krissy: Soon??

Me: VERY soon.

I laughed as Ashley walks in. She wraps her arms around me. I felt hot tears through the back of my shirt. I turned her around and I seen tears flowing down her face. Damn, this dude done really pissed her off. I pulled her in a hug as she wraps her arms around me, burying her head in my chest. I lifted her head with my index finger and wiped her tears away with my thumb. I lean down and pressed my forehead with hers. She looks up at me and sighs. I kiss her on the lips and we hear someone clear a throat. We turned to see Paige and Dj, Paige's boyfriend, smiling at us.

Paige: Can I say it or do you already know?

M/P: We're not together.

Paige: BUT....UGH!!!!!!! y'all are too cute.

She stomps away as we laughed her out. I cleared my throat and looked at Ashley.

Me: Are you free tonight?

Ashley: I'm not busy.

Me: I want to take you on a date... Will you let me?!?

Ashley: I'd like that.

I smiled.

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