Game Day with an Unexpected Surprise

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Ashley POV

It's now Thanksgiving and we are at the Dallas Cowboys stadium in Texas, and let me tell you, I'm nervous. Kim, Zhay, and I grab hands and we walk out on the field to our spot. I look over and I see Shad look and wink at me. I smile and keep walking. As we stand in our spots, over a thousand people scream and yell. I took a deep breathe before show begins. I close my eyes and remember what Shad told me.

Just do as we practice. You'll do fine.

I smile as Kim hums the first note.


We enter our locker room, closed the door, and we screamed! We did it! We did it! I changed into my clothes and walked to the sofa.  I put my i-pod in and was listening to jazz when there was a knock on the door. I got up to open and it was Terrell Owens .I wanted to scream but I had to be professional.

T.O: You girls did very good.

Us: Thanks!

T.O: I hope you get to preform for us again.

Us: We do too.

He walks away and I close the door. We squealed  as there was another knock on the door.  It was Shad and let me just say he looked right. I hugged him and gave him a peck on the lips. We walked over to the consession stand and got nachos and chesse, orange soda, and a bottle water. We was walking back to the room, talking about how he makes some good nachos and cheese when we hear an 'Excuse Me'?

We turned around to see this man in this uniform on.

Man: Are you Shad Moss??

Shad:  Yes.

Man: My name is Caption William Jackson.

They shock hands.

Shad: How are you?

Jackson.: I'm good. Who's this beautiful young lady?

Shad: This is my girlfriend, Ashley.

Me: How do you do, sir??

Jackson: I'm great thanks. You did a wonderful job.

Me: Thank you sir. Baby, I'ma leave and let you too talk.

I kissed him on the cheek and walked away, giving them space.

Shad POV

Jackson.: You have been requested to join the army after you graduate.

Me: Are you serious??

Jackson.: Yes. Congrats, man.

We shake hands and he walks away. I walk back to the locker room and knocked on the door. Ashley walked out and I  grab her hands as we walk around.

Ashley: So....

Me: I've been requested to go to the army after I graduate

Ashley: That's great baby.

She reaches to hug me. Even thought she's smiling, I can hear the hurt in her voice...

Me: Baby, are you ok?

Ashley: Yea. I'm fine.

Me: Babygirl...

Ashley place her index finger over her mouth.

Ashley: Baby, I'm proud of you.

Me: Will be alright? What about...

Ashley: Don't worry. I made it this far, right?

I put my forehead on hers as I wipe the tears fallin down her face.

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