A Graduation Wedding

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June 16, 2007

Ashley POV

"CONGRATULATIONS CLASS OF 2007!!!!!" The audience cheered as we tossed our caps in the air and celebrated, for we are no longer high schoolers. I hug all my friends and I went to celebrate. The Day after tomorrow Jordan, and Shad are beginning boot camp for the war in Washington DC and than they will be deported to God knows where. Tonight, we all are going to celebrate together. When we arrived at Olive Gardens, we laughed, joked, and had a good time. After Olive Gardens, Shad took me to the beach to watch the sunset. I stare out into the purple and orange sky and I sigh at it's beauty. "My god....This is beautiful." Shad replied, "Yes. She's truly is a sight to behold." I looked at him to realize that he wasn't talking about the sunset, but about me. I blushed.

Shad POV

Ashley looks down and blushes. I never seen a beautiful chocolate queen turn as red as Ashley does. It is so cute. She reaches over and her hand covers mine. I took her hand and kissed it. "Shad Moss, you spoil me." I chuckled and replied, "I spoil you because I love you." Ashley smiles and replies, "I love you too." She looked back at the sunset as I took a deep breathe. I'm about to say something real slick and it will catch her completely off guard. "You love me enough to make it legal?" Ashley looked at me as I got down on one knee. "Ohmylamb...Baby..." Ashley eyes filled with tears as I grab her left hand. "Ashley I wanna be in your life forever. You have changed me in the best way. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you. Will you become Mrs. Ashley Moss??" "What? Yes! Absolutely! Yes, I will."I picked her up and kissed her. I placed this ring on her finger and kissed her again. Then I had a crazy thought. "Let's go to Vegas." Ashley looked at me confused and asked, "Vegas...?" "Yes my love. Vegas...RIght now...I can't wait another minute. I don't want a big wedding. Just you and me baby..." Ashley looked at me as she was in deep thought. " Baby, I need you to be Mrs. Shad Moss. I need you here beside me, and I need you because you are something to come home to, you are worth fighting for..." Before I could finish my thought, Ashley grabs my face and kisses me. "Yes...Let's Go!" We walked back to the car and we went to the house. We packed a small bookbag, called a cab and left. We arrived at the airport just in time to catch the next flight to Vegas.

**In Vegas**

"We are gathered to join Shad Moss and Ashley Williams together in Holy Matrimony. Ashley, vows please." I took a deep breathe as I looked at Shad. "I want a guy to hold me in his arms just because. I want a guy to wrap his arms around my waist while whispering stuff in my ear that makes me blush. I want a guy that can hold my hands and say 'I love you.' I want a guy that knows that I may not see him like I want, but I still want the relationship to work. I want a guy that loves me for who I am. I want a guy that wants to be My Mr. Right. And You, Shad Moss, are my Mr. Right. I think of how many ways to tell you how much you mean to me. Every time you ask me 'Who am I to you?", I choke. There is so much for me to say that I can't write it down like I used to. I either have to think for a really long time. So the next time you ask me 'Who am I to you?' This is what I'm going to say: You're mad sweet and so real, and you're everything I want and need and you're everything I'm looking for but I can never find. I want you to love me like you say you do. Baby, I can't tell you who you are to me because you're EVERYTHING to me. I love you." The tears began to flow as the Minister says it's Shad's turn. "Every time I'm around you, I get butterflies. Every time I'm next to you, I'm afraid you'll hear my heartbeat. Every time I see you, my bones get excited. Every time I hear you play or sing, I feel like melting. Every time you touch me, a chill runs down my spine. Every time I close my eyes, I see your face. Every time someone says your name, I blush. Every time you smiles at me that makes my day. I may not be by your side but I'll always love you." I reached out and wiped the tears that had fallen down his face. "Do you, Shad Moss, take Ashley Williams, to be you wife? To have and to hold, through rich or poor, through sickness and in health, all the days of your life?" Shad looked at me boldly and said, "I Do." "Do you, Ashley Williams, take Shad Moss, to be your husband? To have and to hold, through rich or poor, through sickness and in health, all the days of your life?" I looked at him, and proudly proclaim, " I do." "By the power invested in me, by the state of Nevada, I now pronounce you husband, and wife. You may kiss the bride." And he surely did kiss me. We got back on the plane, heading home for our 'honeymoon'.

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