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It was a cold winter day on the tour bus and I was snuggled up in my girlfriend's covers. Fifth Harmony was still opening for Austin Mahone and my girlfriend begged me to come on this tour with her. I mean, it's not my favorite place to be but I make it work for her.
Camila left me on the bus by myself while her and the girls went out to get some coffee because she knows I'm not a morning person at all. I finally drifted off back to sleep when I heard the bus' door open and the girls started giggling. I rolled my eyes and turned over towards the wall in the bunk. Just pretend to be asleep and they'll leave you alone to rest. But no such thing would happen. Before I knew it, a small girl crawled in my bunk to snuggle close to me. I didn't budge until she started to leave small kisses on my neck making me squirm and feel so ticklish. Her raspy voice and hot breath hit my ear, "I knew you weren't really asleep, babe."
I could feel her wrap her arms around my waist and I pressed myself further into her. I giggled feeling her breath on the flesh of my skin. "Well, aren't you a detective."
She was not fond of my sarcasm most of the time, and this was one of those times. "Get up, babe."
I groaned, "Can't we just lay here and cuddle for a little bit?"
I could feel her arms tense up around the lower part of my waist. "You know I can't do that, Y/N. I have Meet and Greets and interviews today."
I rolled my eyes in jealousy. I hate that she always has to put her career over our relationship. We used to be so inseparable. I met her after she tried out on X-factor, I was one of the crew members. I don't usually do those kind of shows, but my uncle made me work with him because he was basically the one that kept the show together. I don't regret it now because that's where I met the girls and my Mila, but it sucks to have a hidden relationship with someone you want to tell the world about. Especially when people ship your girlfriend with someone that's not you. It's almost heartbreaking every time I see a 'camren' or a 'camaustin' post, or tweet. I mean, how would you feel if people wanted the one person you love the most to love someone else?
Camila could tell I was mentally abusing myself about this whole career thing so she caught my attention by pressing her lips to my neck again, "Babe. I'm not kidding, wake up."
I scoffed, "Yeah, right. Go without me. I have no reason to be there."
"Look at me, please."
I turned my body to face Mila and her deep brown eyes almost intoxicated me in one glance. "Y/N, just because you and I aren't public doesn't mean you don't belong there. You belong there just as much as I do. You helped me make it this far and I want to share this with you." All Camila would have to do was stare into my eyes and bite her lip and she knew she had me wrapped around her finger. Like always. "So, what do you say?"
I sighed and brushed a strand of Camila's hair behind her ear and smiled, "I guess I'm going."
She got so excited she began to squeal and spaz out in happiness. "Yay! You won't regret it, I swear. We will go on a cute date tonight I promise."
She kissed my lips and I slowly pressed my tongue onto the part of her lips to ask for entrance. Once she allowed me to come in we both battled together with our tongues. It started out slow but began to get pretty heated, and I liked it. All the passion Camila had was such a turn on to me.
I heard a knock on the side of the bunk and then Dinah spoke to us, interrupting our moment. "Okay, love birds. We have to get ready to leave for the Meet and Greet."
I sighed and looked as Mila pulled away and smiled, "We will continue this later." I nodded as she slipped herself out of the bunk and pulled the curtain open. "Promise me you'll get up, get dressed, and meet me outside in a hour." I nodded and she scrunched up her face. "Pinky Promise?" She extended her hand and showed me her pinky. I curled mine around hers and she pushed herself close to me to give me a quick peck on the lips before letting go of my pinky.
The girls left me on the bus and I decided to get out to take a shower, and put on some skinnys, a Civil x Lohan Baseball Jersey, and some black socks. I went through the bus digging everywhere to find my black converse shoes. After I found them in Ally's drawer, I slipped them on without tying the strings and hopped out of the tour bus to stroll down to where the M&G destination was. Except the girls and their screaming fans weren't anywhere to be seen. I guess the M&G ended earlier than I expected. Although I did hear a basketball being dribbled from far away so I decided to go searching for everyone in the direction of the sound. That's when I saw it, the thing that has me feeling every emotion except joy. All I could think about was sadness, rejection, and heartbreak. Camila was pulled in by Austin with his hands on her waist. Her face was a bit unsettled as if she didn't really want to get closer to him, but she didn't pull away. I got closer to view the moment better and gasped when I saw his lips collide with hers. My heart was officially in pieces now.
Camila heard my gasp and looked up at me, "Oh my God, Y/n." I turned around and started sprinting with tears in my eyes. I could hear her yelling, "Come back, please!" But I wasn't going to. I felt so angry yet so clueless, and useless. I knew I never stood a chance with Camila Cabello. Why did I ever think I could be something to her? I ran as fast as I could inside to the catering area to find Ally. She always comforted me when I was going through a hard time with Camila or my family and that's why she was one of my closest friends. I knew I looked so distraught as I eyed every area of the somewhat crowded room to finally find the girls sitting at a table in the corner laughing. I walked over and couldn't help but pour myself out on Ally and wrap my arms around her in a hug which automatically was returned when she bear hugged me back. "y/n, are you okay?"
I sniffled and wiped the tears from my eyes and shook my head. "No, Ally. It's Mila." I laid my head back on her shoulder.
Ally brushed her fingers through my Hair and tried her best to comfort me, "What about Camila, sweetie?"
I could feel her rest her chin on my head, "She kissed Austin."
Ally gasped. "Look at me." I pulled away from her and looked her in the eyes. "Are you sure she kissed him?"
I nodded feeling so insecure about the fact that I was just cheated on. I was more angry now than sad, "Well, I'm pretty sure when he grabbed her hips and pulled her in to suck her face that she didn't really pull away."
Ally raised her left eyebrow, "Don't get sassy with me, I'm just asking, Hun." A giggle left her lips as she tried to make good out of this bad situation. That's when my phone started vibrating like crazy. I pulled it out of my pocket to see I got 3 missed calls and 15 texts from Camila in the last 4 minutes.

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