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Austin pulled away and looked Camila in the eyes, "Merry Christmas, baby."
I could feel myself losing oxygen because I was trying to keep myself from saying or doing something stupid by holding my breath. Camila smiled back at him, "Merry Christmas, Austin."
I had to get out of there. I had to stop seeing what I was seeing. "I gotta go take a walk." I whispered to Sinuhe before hurrying out the door. Sofi grabbed my hand before I could get too far, "Do you want me to watch your presents?"
I smiled and got down to her level. This time my side was aching. The one Percocet was wearing off. "Yes, and will you do me a favor?" She nodded happily. "Run back in there and grab my backpack from the corner, kay?" She smiled and sprinted back in. It only took her 30 seconds to get my backpack and run back to give it to me. "Where are you going?"
I shrugged, "No where. I just need to get some exercise. I ate a lot of food." She didn't ask anymore questions. She just strolled back into the house.

I started to walk down the sidewalk and it was beginning to get harder and harder to keep the strength to stand up on my own. I turned the corner to see a small community park complete with swings, jungle gyms, and sand boxes. I walked through the sandbox to get to the swings before I got any weaker. I sat there with my thoughts trying to think of anything besides what I just witnessed. I felt the pain increase as my anger increased. Austin doesn't even understand the thin line of my anger towards him. It's grown each day this week knowing that he's had his hands all over my girlfriend. I could feel myself growing weaker, yearning for another pill. I pulled my backpack off and took another Percocet. I'm guessing it's been 6 hours by now, which it hasn't but I'll pretend it has, but I have tons of Percocets so I know I'm not gonna run out anytime soon. After a few minutes of sitting with my hands latched to metal chains of the swing, I felt the pill do its job.
Since I felt a little stronger, and it was such a nice day outside, I wanted to venture around her neighborhood and see what kind of place she lived in. It was a nice neighborhood. Not too sketchy, yet not suburban enough for me to feel to uncomfortably preppy. A boy about my age was watching me walk down the street, now normally I'd be offended and weirded out, but these pills made me have a 'no-fucks-given' mindset. I kept trekking noticing I was making a circle back towards Camila's house, when the tan and muscular boy walked up to me.
"Are you lost?" He asked with a worried face.
I shook my head and gave him a weird look, "No, I was just walking."
I turned away and kept my head straight forward waiting to reach my destination. "Oh, okay. You just looked a bit scattered. Anyways, are you new to the neighborhood?"
Who the fuck is this kid? Can't he tell I don't want to talk? I coughed a little before replying, "Nope. Just visiting with a friend for Christmas."
"That's cool. Well, are you gonna be in town for a while?" He asked as I began to walk up to the Cabello's mailbox.
I turned to him and stopped, "Look kid. I'm not really up for this whole conversation thing. I know that sounds bitchy but right now I don't have too much patience."
He was stunned, "Yeah. I get it. I didn't mean to bother you or freak you out, but you were cute. I didn't want to miss my chance."
A compliment? What the hell? I just told this kid to fuck off and he responds by flirting. "Thanks. I guess."
He smiled a perfect smile then started to back up, "No problem. If you ever come into Miami's hookah lounge down on 47th, ask for Michael. Ya know, if you're up to converse then."
I gave him a confused look and he sent me back a flirty wink. How do I make myself look even more weirded out that I do already? Is it really that hard to see I'm not interested?

I start to walk up to the house when I see Austin leaning against the Escalade and talking on the phone. Once he noticed me he spoke into he receiver, "Hey, I'll call you back." He hung up and ran in front of me, "Hey, y/n. Where'd you go?"
"For a walk, even though that's none of your business." I bit back harshly.
Austin stepped forward causing me to move back.
He sighed, "Why do you hate me so much? I thought we were cool."
"I don't think we've ever really been 'cool'. I just tolerated you to an extent."
His eyes squinted a little looking deeper into me, "Can't we just play nice for Mila? I know that's what she wants."
I gritted my teeth and formed a fake smile, "Sure, Austin. For Camila."
Austin stepped forward once again making me extremely uncomfortable and take two more steps back. "Good, now that's settled. I have a little negotiation to ask you about. You can say no, but I can assure you it'll benefit both of us." He was giving me this smile that made me want to puke.
"I'm not negotiating with you, Satan." My reply was tensed.
"Just hear me out." I stayed silent waiting for him to finish talking, "You don't like me dating Camila. That's obvious. And I have a feeling why. You like her, or better yet, love her."
I could feel blood rush to my head, "What's your point, Mahone?"
He smiled feeling prouder of himself, "My point is that I like her, too. Not as much as you do, but I'm willing to give up my relationship for her for a price."
"A price? You're rich. What the hell could I give you that you can't already buy?"
His smile grew more crooked, "It's no surprise when I say that you are very sexual, very seducing." He began to walk closer to me. "And everyone knows your gay, but you don't look like it. You definitely don't."
I was so weirded out, "Austin, what kind of ignorant asshole would-"
He interrupted me with a stern voice, "I'm not done." He walked me backwards so far that my back hit the escalade. "I'll make a deal with you. I can't stop thinking about how much you turn me on. So, I'll just go ahead and tell you the plan. If you have sex with me, I'll leave Camila alone."
I was completely disgusted, "You're joking right?"
He shrugged, "Not really. We have a whole month left of this tour, and there's no doubt in my mind that I'll be all over your precious Camila every second of it since we are now 'official', and that will crush you. If you don't do it, maybe a little secret could get leaked. Now, we wouldn't want that, would we? Especially not before a certain album gets a chance on the charts. Now, to ensure that won't happen, all you have to do" He brushed my hair behind my ear and whispered into it, "is give me one night of your beautiful body." He backed away to look at me, "If Camila wants to get in on it, that's cool too. You just gotta be there." He laughed.
"You're disgusting." I replied.
He smirked, "Maybe. But I still have your girl on my arm. So, who's the real winner here?" I pushed past him to get to the front door and he yelled back at me, "The offer stands for this week only. Once we are off the bus in Amsterdam, all bets are off." I stopped then turned the door to reveal a happy family joking around in every corner of the house.

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