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I followed Lauren into her nice and quaint apartment to the kitchen. She opened the fridge to grab a couple Smirnoff Ices. "You said you liked these, remember?"
"Aw, Lolo. You thought about me. That's sweet." I wasted no time opening the bottle and started to chug it.
Lauren ran up to me to pull the bottle away, "Woah, save a little, Mija. We have all night to be fucked up."
I nodded and got up to go grab my Jansport back from the couch, "Speaking of getting fucked up," I started to dig through the front pocket and grabbed the bottle of Percocets then walked back over to a Lauren. "You're six will be provided over time. I can't be responsible for making 1/5 of the Fifth Harmony girls O.D."
Lauren smiled understanding my joke, "I completely agree. But let's not drink and take these. We both already get too shit face with these pills, and that's coming from me." Lauren retrieved my drink from my hand and sat it down in the fridge for later. She pulled out two sodas knowing that those were my weakness. God, I love sodas. Not many of the other girls except for Lauren, Dinah, and I will drink them because everyone else says they're bad for you. I popped the tab open, put the pills in my mouth, and took a swig of the acidic, sweet drink. "Let's go to the living room. I want to listen to music and in a few minutes I won't be able to stand up for very long." Lo admitted.
I agreed and we both plopped down beside each other in the living room. It hurt a little more because I'm not supposed to be crashing on beds or anything, but soon the pain would be gone. Lauren grabbed her iPad to open Spotify and play some Glass Animals. One of the most interesting and addicting groups to listen to. Lauren and I liked to listen to them during the Neon Lights tour because they sounded different than any other group out there. When it came to our music tastes, we could be extremely hipster one day and listen to some underground indie band, and the next day we would be yelling 'slay' at the top of our lungs when a Beyoncé song would come on.
I could feel the Percocets hit me once Lauren started talking, "Did you two tell her parents before Austin came by?"
Ugh, the sound of his name made me shudder. "Yeah, literally 2 minutes before he rang the God damn door bell." When I was with Lauren, I let loose a lot. Which meant more cursing and honesty. That's because I trust her to not judge me because in a way, we are exactly the same. But you didn't hear that from me.
"What'd they say?"
"They were surprisingly accepting, but they said it was because they figured it had been happening for a while so they didn't want to waste time to try and stop it." I admitted carefully reaching down on the ground to find my soda and bring the rim to my lips.
"Hmm.." Lauren coughed a little before continuing, "That's good, then."I saw her reach over to the side table to grab something. "Do you want a cigarette?"
"Lo, since when did you start smoking?"
"Since a few weeks ago, I'm just good at hiding it." She said with her cute little kid voice. The voice she does when she wants to be adorable. It pops up at the weirdest times.
"Light it up. I'm guessing that's not the worse thing I could be doing at the moment."
Lauren walked out on the huge balcony of her penthouse apartment. When I say huge, I mean huge. I was completely flabbergasted. "Close your mouth, y/n. We aren't even to the good part yet." I never noticed that Lauren grabbed her iPad and speaker in the process of us doing this. She had a guard rail and stairs that lead up to the roof of the complex. Once we were there, the view of Miami below me was absolutely breath taking. Cars and streets were busy, but the beauty behind it all was amazing. I heard a lighter flick and saw Lauren take a drag of the cigarette, inhale it deeply, then blow it out. "Beautiful, huh?"
I looked back at the city and smiled, "Yeah, it really is."
"Oh that's awkward." Lauren giggled. "I was talking about me."
I couldn't help but laugh a little too hard causing myself to fall on the floor of the roof for no reason. I guess it was good that I couldn't really feel anything because that would've hurt me a lot without these pills.
Lauren picked me up and sat me in a chair in front of the view. "Is this roof all for you or is it like a community roof?" The pills hit me too hard and caused me to sound stupid.
Lauren just giggled, "Community roof? You're great when you're high, kid. But yeah this is mine. I paid extra to have it be cut off from everyone else and that staircase built."
"Imma take a pic. This is great." I pulled out my phone and ignored the texts from Camila, Ally, and Mani to swipe the phone to unlock it then go to Instagram. The view wasn't as good on camera, but it was still something. I decided it needed a little caption since I haven't posted on that app in almost 3 months.

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