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I sat up seeing all the girls walking into the bus. Camila was rubbing the back of her head where she fell on it. Sarah sat her down and brought out her flash light to check Camila's pupils. I was growing impatient, "Why won't you talk to me, Sarah? I want to know now!"
She waved me off feeling the back of Camila's head, "You need to go get some ice right now. Tell the catering providers to give you a baggie full of ice then come back in here, Mila."
Camila frowned and nodded getting up and walking out of the bus.
Sarah put her flashlight back in her bag and sat down on the couch beside Ally. Her face was more serious than it usually would be. "Are you going to tell me now?" I felt like I was invisible to the whole world.
Sarah started to talk, "So, I did the pelvic exam on y/n, Ally."
"Don't tell Ally! I'm the one who fucking asked." I bitched.
"Shh, y/n." Ally turned giving me a stern look.
Sarah sighed, "There's a lot of tearing at the moment. I'm sure he was a lot more aggressive than she remembers." Sarah looked over at me, "You were sedated pretty heavily at the time, right?" I nodded feeling everyone's eyes bore into me.
"He really did hurt her, Ally. She won't be able to interact sexually for at least a few months, plus you will have to watch the scratches on her back because they are pretty deep."
"SCRATCHES?!" Dinah yelled out in anger.
"No sex for a few months?!" I yelled out feeling my side ache a little.
"Really? That's why you're upset?" Normani said giving me a harsh glance. "Austin fucking hurt you and you're worried about having sex with Camila."
I shrugged, "Why stay stuck on the past?"
"You always do this, mama." Dinah spoke up, "You keep shit in and it's going to blow up one day. You don't deserve to be hurt like that."
I rolled my eyes and looked over to Lauren balling up her fists and just staring at the ground. I tried to not think about what she was planning on doing.
"Yeah, yeah. I get its bad, but I'm just trying to forget. I don't want to remember any more. And by bottling it up, I put it deep into the deepest parts of my mind where it won't come out for a while." I slightly rubbed on the bandage across my skin.
"What happened to your wrist?" Normani asked grabbing my forearm tightly.
"Camila and I were-" I said then Camila walked in with the ice pack pressed to her head. I kept quiet as we all stared at her. "Nothing." I whispered.
The stitches were stinging even more than before and my pills were officially wearing off after the 6 hours I was on them. I got up to go to the fridge and grab a water bottle before going to my bunk to grab my pills and secretly take them. I see I have a extra pill in my hand and decided to swallow it down. I mean, why not at this point?
I could hear them whispering in the other room, then I heard a knock on the bus. I didn't feel up to walking back into the bus to see who was there, so I just climbed into my bunk and covered up then pulled the curtain back.
"Where the hell is my daughter?" A strangely familiar voice was raised about 8 feet away from my bunk.
Camila spoke up, "What are you doing here, ma'am?"
"Don't call me ma'am. You stole my daughter, and we had a deal." The woman replied to my girlfriend.
"Wait. You're her mother?" Lauren sounded a little cold. There was no sound for a second and then I heard a loud rustle in the other room. It wasn't until I heard the other girls yelling for Lauren to get off of her that I jumped out of my bunk as easily as I could to see Lauren tackling my Mom.
Camila noticed I was watching and walked over to pull me into the back room and close the automatic door. She held me close and kissed my lips then pulled away to look me in the eyes. "I didn't want to tell you, but now I have no choice babe."
"What do you mean?" I was confused feeling the drugs take over. I couldn't fight for myself at the moment.
"Your uncle has to go to court to get you and by the time that happens you'll already be 18. So, at the moment your parents have a legal right to have you." Camila couldn't help but cry. Her tears were dripping onto my shirt.
"You promised me! I can't take it, please. I don't want to go." I begged clutching onto Mila.
"I can't keep you here. She'll be in here to take you soon." She muttered at me.
I could hear the screaming get closer until the automatic door slid open. Mary's hair was messed up and she looked upset. "Get your stuff now. We are leaving."
She clutched my arm and clawed her fingers into my skin causing me to scream in pain. "You're hurting me. Let go!"
Her hand let go of my arm and slid down to grab my wrist causing me cry and scream. "You're squeezing my stitches, get off of me." The pain hurt even more than anything. We walked by my bunk and she pushed me into it.
Her voice was cold, "Pack your things now."
My tears were blurring my vision as I quickly stuffed my charger and books into my Jansport bag. My Mom pushed me out of the bus making me fall on my face and yelled back at the girls, "I'll send for her other things soon."

Our Little Secret ➳ Camila CabelloWhere stories live. Discover now