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We walked to the booth and Camila decided to be on the inside today. Which was fine with me because it was easier to leave if I wanted to. Both Ally and Normani were glaring at me. Not in a good way, more in a 'I can't believe you' way. I got out my phone to sit in the silence, and Ally grabbed it from me to put it on her side of the table. "Hello to you too, Allycat." I said with a half-smile.
She crossed her arms, "Yeah hello. Oh yeah and how's your HEAD FEELING, Y/N?"
I groaned rubbing my temples, "Not the best. Could you take it down a couple of notches?"
"Hmm.. I don't know." Her bitchy tone was filling my head. "Can you take your rebellious phase down a couple of notches?"
Mila patted Ally, "That's enough you guys. This is just gonna make her want to upset us more."
"I love you Mila, but please don't speak for me. I went last night to have fun. Yes, I have fun with all of you girls all the time, but I took the chance to go to a high school party last night and for a while it was good." I admitted stirring my glass of water with a straw I peeled out of the wrapper.
"Until you were drugged." Normani said not taking her eyes away from me.
"I didn't know that, Jesus Christ. Can we all chill about the drugs? It's like rehabilitation in here." I mumbled to myself.
Normani scowled at me, "Of course you didn't know you were drugged. Why would you? So you could fight back if someone tried to take advantage of you?"Ally pushed on Mani's arm to get her to stop, but Mani pulled away. "No, Ally. She needs to hear this. We are all here for you all the time. Not just Camila. We are all family and we take care of each other no matter what bullshit happens between us. You didn't just scare Mila or Ally when you were drugged out on a bed. You scared Lauren, Dinah, and I."
I was shocked, "You told Lauren and Dinah?!"
"Well, when Lauren gets a distressed call from Mila in the middle of the night about what she should do, we had no choice but to tell them too." Normani said noticing what she blurted out.
I looked at Mila who had a frown on her face. "You called Lauren?!" I asked.
The waitresses throat cleared as she had her pen and pad out to take our order. "You girls ready?"
Everyone nodded and turned on their happy faces as they ordered with a fake expression. I bullshitted my order knowing from the top of my head, "I just want some eggs and bacon. Not too crispy but not raw as fuck. Oh, and scramble the eggs. Thanks." I rolled my eyes at her and she just dogged me.
"Alrighty. I'll have that out for you in just a few minutes." The waitress said changing her attitude back to the happy one she had only moments ago. The girls nodded and I just stared intently at my drink.
Mila's hand was now on my back, "I called Lauren because she knows about drugs. She's the only one in the group who's the most adventurous even though she doesn't like to admit it. I was worried that you wouldn't wake up the next morning and I needed some reassurance. I sure as hell couldn't take you to the hospital. You'd get arrested and sent away from me for the rest of the tour. I need you just as much as you need me, y/n."
I felt shitty at the moment. Not only because of my head or stomach, but because of my selfishness towards the girls. I knew they all really cared about me, but they've never voiced their opinions or concerns until now.
My phone went off under Ally's hand and she looked at the screen. "Jessie?"
I looked at Mila and tried to reach for the phone before she could but I was too slow. She unlocked the screen and started typing. "Camila, please don't send anything." I begged.
"I might as well since you've been calling me Camila a lot more recently." She held my phone up in her hand away from my grasp.
I was finally able to read the text before it was sent out but I couldn't pry my phone from Mila's hand.

Jessie: what happened to u last night? those girls from harmony 5 came to the party and then u went missing.

Y/N: this is Camila from Harmony 5. we took y/n home because she was so drugged out from all the pills you gave her. if u kno what's best for you you'll stay away from her

Before I could erase it, Mila pressed send. I was almost mad enough to throw my phone across the room in the hopes that it'd stop sending but there was no point. Jessie was going to get the text and I was going to lose a friend.
I was starting to feel light headed all of a sudden. I grabbed my phone from Mila's hand and ran to the bathroom. The first stall was the closest I could get before I started puking up all the drinks and drugs from last night. After I was done, I got up and walked to the sink to put a little water in my mouth and swish it around, then spit it out.
Camila walked into the bathroom, and pushed her hair to the side. "Are you okay, sweetie?" I nodded. "'Cause it looked like you were almost dead in there."
I waved her off but she didn't leave, "Give me your phone back, baby. I swear I won't type anything else. I'll help you back to the table." Her sweet voice was surrounding the small acoustic bathroom.
I handed my phone back to her as she put her arm around my waist and I began feeling weaker than usual. Although, I don't know if it's the drugs at this point. It almost feels as if I really don't want to do anything at this point. Maybe Ally was right. Maybe I am depressed.

Once I got back to the table, Mila sat my phone beside hers as we all got our food served to us. My phone went off again. Another text from Jessie.

Jessie: look, I don't know who you are or what you want with y/n but she was my friend before she was yours. she chose to drink and have fun. I just made sure she did. it's not my fault she's never had x before. plus, I did take care of her. Erin tried to hook up with her & get her alone multiple times but I didn't let it happen. you're welcome

Camila showed me the text and her voice got heavy, "Who's Erin, y/n?"
I sighed trying to stomach the small bite of egg on my fork, "Some kid from that party last night. I didn't really pay attention to him. He got annoying very quickly." Camila began typing on my phone again. "Mila please don't."
She shook her head, "I'll let you see it before I send it."
I rolled my eyes to reply. "Just go ahead and send it. It doesn't even matter now."

Y/N: even though she was your friend before she was mine, it still doesn't give u the right to dope her up. thank u for helping her with whoever Erin is but she won't need your help any more. you always get her into trouble or hurt and she doesn't need this negativity in her life.

Jessie: who are you? her girlfriend? let her live. let her have fun with people who actually know how to have fun. tell y/n I'll see her soon xo

A frustrated groan fell from Mila's lips. "Your fucking friend doesn't know how to take a hint. I'm about to tell her the truth so she'll fuck off."
Normani pulled the phone away from Camila and started reading through the texts. Once she was done she gave the phone to Ally and started talking to Camila. "You aren't going to tell her shit, Karla. This isn't just about you, this is about all of us right now. The deal is to wait for the album and tour."
"But she-" Camila insisted.
"But nothing, Camila." Ally broke into the conversation almost slamming my phone down. "This album is something we've worked years for. If you ruin it for us we have nothing left. Our heart and soul went into this album and we have to preserve our appearance until then. We aren't going to let this make a domino effect."
"And by this you mean us?" I asked Ally.
Her expression changed drastically as she noticed what I said, "No, y/n. You are-"
"The thing that is going to make a domino effect." I finished her sentence and grabbed my phone and keys from Ally and Mila's side of the table.
Camila grabbed my arm and looked at me with her big puppy dog eyes, "Please don't, babe."
I looked down at her and pulled my arm away, "I just need to go home for a little bit and rest."
I left $40 on the table and walked out to the car.

I got a text from Camila as I just sat in the car almost bawling in tears.

Camila: please wait for me. I'm getting the boxes for our food and then I'll be outside.

Y/N: hurry up then. I just want to go home.

Camila: kk :/


As Camila and I both made it home, I made my way to the stairs before Camila stopped me. "Do you mind if I rest with you too, babe?"
"If you want, but I feel like just staying in bed for the rest of the day. Especially since my parents will be here tomorrow. I don't want to bother with anything until then." I admitted slowly taking a step up each stair.
Camila grabbed my hand and walked beside me, "We will cuddle. That's all."
I squeezed her hand and looked at her almost tearing up, "Will you tell Mani and Ally I'm sorry. I'm not myself today, and I just..."
Camila nodded rubbing the side of my hand with her thumb, "I'll tell them."

I plugged up my phone and drifted off to sleep. At around 9pm, I was woke up by a text message. It was Jessie. I carefully peeled Camila off me, trying my best to not wake her up.

Jessie: if this is y/n. come out front now. I need to talk to u

I unplugged my phone and texted her back.

Y/N: give me two minutes

Camila is going to kill me if she finds out about this, but I have to straighten things up with Jessie. I need to have more friends besides the girls. I feel like I'm being shut in a box away from the outside world sometimes. And even though Jessie isn't the best friend I could have, she's better than nothing.

Our Little Secret ➳ Camila CabelloWhere stories live. Discover now