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byeongkwan sighed as he looked at all of the messages his ex has been sending him.. junhee had been messaging him for days- but it got really bad this morning

however, if you're curious about what happened on the date that him and sehyoon had, after the cuddle session in the car, they went home and after byeongkwan took his medication they both knocked out on his bed; dates just exhaust people🤷‍♀️

byeongkwan woke up to many messages from junhee. he groaned, he did not want to deal with his ex today..

i see you reading these messages babyyyy


what the hell do you want junhee?
i'm busy.

it's 10 in the morning sweetie, i know you're not busy

fine you caught me.
what do you want?

i want...
a date with youuu~


awww please babyyyy!

sehyoon woke up as well, wait how the fluff did his shirt get off in the night- nevermind that, he noticed byeongkwan looking at his phone while rubbing his face.  sehyoon slightly sat up, because byeongkwan was sitting up, and he looked over his shoulder

"is he bugging you again..?" he asks in his tired husky voice, byeongkwan nearly died at how hot he sounded, but he rubs his eyes again and nods. sehyoon sighs and tries to take the phone, but byeongkwan holds onto it tightly and mumbles, "he's never gonna stop until i say yes..." sehyoon looked up at him, he was so pretty with the morning sunlight making his soft skin and big eyes glow, with his pouty lips sehyoon wished to kiss again

snapping out of his simp trance, he sighed and nodded. byeongkwan smiled sadly at him and mumbled, "i'll just go on the date with him... if it gets out of hand i'll call you.. okay? just go back to sleep" sehyoon nods again and kissed byeongkwans cheek, before turning around and going back to sleep

'WHAT THE H*LL DID I JUST DO- AHHHHFJDNDIEJJDFK FFFFF***' sehyoon thought to himself, he was so in the moment, he didn't even think about what he was doing-

byeongkwan blushed after sehyoon kissed him, he slowly touched his face where sehyoon had kissed, he didn't know how to comprehend what happened-

i'll go on your stupid date.

thank you baby!!

don't call me baby.
will you leave me alone if i go on this date with you?

of course i will!! anything to make you happy!
we can meet at this nice *XxXxx*X cafe at 12!!!

byeongkwan just left him on read and sighed; he was dreading this whole date thing.

[also let's just talk about how byeongkwan is getting two dates in two chapters!! sis getting more dates then i'll ever have😔💗]

but sehyoon was already back asleep, so he didn't wanna complain to him.. he just got up and got ready.

he put on his usual pretty makeup, including his lip tint and his aMAZING EYELINER BECAUSE HIS EYES ARE SO FREAKING BEAUTIFUL AND THE EYELINER MAKES THEM LOOK PRETTIER>:[

he just didn't feel like dressing nice for junhee, so he just put on a pair of grey leggings with the largest and thickest black hoodie he's ever seen- this is definitely sehyoons. how did he even get it-?

whatever,, that's off topic, we'll never know how he mysteriously got this hoodie from sehyoon, or how the older boy ended up shirtless in his bed.

he grabs his phone and house keys, before locking the door of the house and leaving to this cafe junhee told him to meet at.

as he made it to the cafe, he rolled his eyes and sighed as he sat down at one of the tables. this cafe seemed pretty nice, but byeongkwan knew he would hate it after this date with junhee..

soon though, junhee arrived. looking around, he noticed byeongkwan immediately and while smiling he walked over to him. "hello babyyyy~" he sings as he sits in front of the other, who looks up from his phone and mentally starts crying, he did not want to be here at all.

"awwww don't look so disappointed to see me, you know you miss mee~" he says cheerfuoly as he smiles at byeongkwan, who glares at him and says, "you didn't want anything to do with me for years, but suddenly you show back up out of no where? what do you want?" junhee nervously chuckles as he asks, "what do you mean sweetie?"

byeongkwan looks at him with a 'bruh.' face, and scoffs while he folds his arm and replies angerly, "we dated for years. i know you. what the hell do you want?" junhee pouts and looks away awkwardly, before he mumbles back, "i.....i just wanted to-"

"i hate to interrupt this beautiful conversation, but will you be ordering anything?" they both hear a slightly sarcastic voice ask, they look up and byeongkwan notices who this is, he's one of sehyoons neighbors!! his name was... donghun right?

junhee looked like he had fallen in love right then and there- he stared up at donghun with his mouth agap, having some trouble comprehending donghuns beauty and husky voice. "um excuse me... why are you staring at me?" donghun asks while looking down at junhee in disgust,

who nervously chuckles and tries to seduce his way out of this embarrassment by saying, "hahaaa~ and what's your name baby?" byeongkwan and donghun both roll their eyes at him-

"tsk...shut up junhee. leave him alone, we won't be eating anything today thank you hyung" byeongkwan says as he smiles at donghun, who smiles back at the younger before glaring at junhee and walking away.

"hey-heyy hey no no no i need his number" junhee says as he scurries away to beg donghun for his number

byeongkwan didn't want to know what junhee wanted, nor did he care, so he just walked up and left. donghun was strong, he'd be okay.

how funny though, junhee set off on a date with byeongkwan, and left without byeongkwan, with donghuns number-

'so easily distracted though... tsh' byeongkwan thinks to himself while walking back to his home, he wondered if sehyoon would still be there though.




teeheh enjoy this useless chapter :D

i love you all so much though and thank you for reading<3

bye byee~

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