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when byeongkwan had heard the news, he was shocked- he knew he probably was going to have a heart attack in the time he's with sehyoon alone for weeks, but his mother didn't have anyone else to take care of him-

he didn't know why he was so nervous, he's spent almost everyday with sehyoon for the last few months- sehyoon just.. makes him panic- alot.

they pulled into the driveway of sehyoons apartment. sehyoon gets out and grabs byeongkwans bags, and after he sets them inside, he walks back out and opens byeongkwan door.

he didn't know why, but byeongkwan felt like he was a rich CEO CEO sehyoon was his fancy butler- he mumbled a quiet, "thank you,," as he bowed slightly to the older male

once they made it inside the appartment, sehyoon sighs and looks around ad he says enthusiastically, "ta daaa~ my lovely home--" byeongkwan laughs awkwardly and replied, "i-it looks nice.."

sehyoon laughed and replied sheepishly "i know i know i did good- now... what would you like for lunch?" byeongkwan looked like he was thinking for a few moments.. he soon replies happily, "rAMEN!" sehyoon laughed at how childish he sounded, but he nodded and went to his kitchen to find some ramen, while telling byeongkwan sowly, "you can just sit on the couch, make yourself at home.."

byeongkwan slightly nodded and went to sehyoons couch and sat down, pulling out his phone to play on while he waits

sehyoon soon came out with two plates of fresh spicy ramen, and sat them on the coffee table.

byeongkwan smiled happily and immediately grabbed his chopsticks and dug into the food; sehyoon watched him in awe..in which byeongkwan noticed and asked with slight attitude, "what-?" as his mouth was full of noodles

sehyoon chuckled and pinched byeongkwans cheek and said quietly, "..you're just really cute" byeongkwan blushed but ignored that statement that made his heart race, and continued eating his noodles

after they finished their lunch, sehyoon saw byeongkwan yawning and rubbing his eyes.. /which he found ADORABLE/

so he chuckled and asked while looking at the younger, "do you wanna take a nap kwannie?" byeongkwan nodded while still rubbing his eyes.. he didn't realise the nickname sehyoon had used-

sehyoon didn't ask anything else and just walked up to byeongkwan, picking him up by his thighs and carrying him to his bedroom, byeongkwan already falling asleep as they walked- the younger male sleeps alot, sehyoon has noticed.

when they got to sehyoons room, sehyoon gently layed byeongkwan down and was about to leave before byeongkwan mumbled quietly, "stay please.." while making slight grabby hands toward sehyoon. he didn't want to sleep alone, he was cold and sehyoon is always really warm.

sehyoon chuckled again and shook his head slightly, before getting into the bed with byeongkwan, who immediately hugged him and buried his face into his chest; this cause the older male to giggle again and run his fingers through byeongkwans hair softly.

once sehyoon thought byeongkwan was asleep, he began to talk to him, or more so himself-- "honestly bk... i don't know how i feel about you. i don't.. you need so much saving and you're so sweet.... i don't know." he was still playing with byeongkwans hair as he spoke, he thought the younger male was asleep and not listening.. but byeongkwan was indeed listening to his little... 'confession' per say.

and he didn't know how to feel about it.

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