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say the name ajdhdjhd [also happy late  birthday bk T~T]



byeongkwan woke up, and he blushed as he realized the position him and sehyoon are in- he sat up slowly, putting his arms on either side of sehyoons face while he tried to sit up properly. he was on top of sehyoon, because somehow that always happens when they take naps together, and his eyes widened as sehyoon began to wake up-

sehyoons dark brown eyes met his own.


"h-hi..." byeongkwan mumbles quietly, sehyoon is just staring up at him, his arms are still on either side of sehyoons face- the older male smiles softly at him, sitting up.

this action caused byeongkwan to blush further, because he's now straddling sehyoons lap-

even if he's been sat on the older males lap numerous times, he still always gets embarrassed..

sehyoon stared at him for a few moments... before he plays with byeongkwans hair as he unexpectedly asks, "wanna go out today?" byeongkwans eyes widened- he wasn't expecting sehyoon to ask that, so suddenly-

"u-uh sure if you want---" he awkwardly replies, not really sure how to answer that ?

sehyoon smiles at him and nods standing up to get ready, byeongkwan cluelessly following him-

they had got ready, wearing quite casual clothing; sehyoon had on a tie dye pink and blue hoodie, with dark blue jeans, and byeongkwan had put on black jeans and a yellow and black striped hoodie. they didn't really match, but they weren't trying to match so,,,,?



"where are we going..?" byeongkwan asked as they walked down the road, sehyoon smiled sheepishly at him as he replied, "it's a suprise~~" byeongkwan pouted at the older male, but he knows sehyoon, he defenitely won't get the location out of his stubborn hyung-

sehyoon, used his big brain energy, to take a road that he knew byeongkwan had never been down, so byeongkwan wouldn't know where they were..


"stupid smart hyung..." byeongkwan had mumbled along the way, when he realised what sehyoon was doing. sehyoon had just chuckled at him, wrapping an arm around the younger male. this action, oddly enough, had mae byeongkwan blush-

it's like, every small hand brush, or any kind of eye contact, or soft words have managed to make byeongkwan get butterflies, and he didn't know what to think about that..

he didn't know whether to accept that he probably has feelings for his once babysitter, now roommate, or to continue and ignore them, as he's been doing for.... months now.

they make it to the unknown location, and byeongkwans eyes widen as he sees the large word 'zoo' appear infront of them on a sign a few meters in front of them. "a-a zoo?!" he asks as his eyes light up, he loves animals!!!

sehyoon chuckled at him, as the younger boy looked extremely happy and extremely adorable- but doesn't he always? or sehyoons just a simp.


sehyoon pays for their tickets, even though byeongkwan said he could afford his own..

"where do you wanna go fir-" "PENGUINS" sehyoon had started to ask byeongkwan where he wanted to go, but byeongkwan quickly interrupted him-- "i guess penguins then,," sehyoon mumbles as he grabs byeongkwans hand, intertwining their fingers as he takes them to the arctic animal part of the zoo.





they had a really fun time at the zoo, taking thousands of photos with the many different animals.

sehyoon didn't think he'd seen byeongkwan smile brghter than he did the entire time at the zoo.

but he had more planned for their special day, because he's extra.

miss kim, may have seen the two boys walking by the unknown place she works at, and she didn't follow them this time- she wanted to give them some privacy, but she had thought to herself as they held hands,


'they're definetly going to confess soon..'


wowkwan had made it to a fancy resturaunt sehyoon had researved. byeongkwan got nervouse.. 'there's so many people here...' but he tried to calm himself down, by getting closer to sehyoon and staying right behind him.

sehyoon noticed his tensed up behaivor, and wrapped his arm around byeongkwans waist, pulling the younger male closer to him as he whispered, "calm down.. we're going to the back, no one will be there" byeongkwan shakily nodded, enoying the feeling of sehyoons arms around him.

they made it to their booth, which indeed was away from most of the people. it made byeongkwan have butterflies, the fact that sehyoon knows him so well. he always knows how to calm byeongkwan down and how to help..

he doesn't deserve him.

"what would you like to eat?" byeongkwan snaps out of it and sees the waiter infront of them, byeongkwan begins to speak, but sehyoon interrupts him and tells the waiter what they wanted.

once the stranger was gone, sehyoon looked to byeongkwan and asked, "are you alright kwan?" byeongkwan shrugged, not really knowing how he was feeling- sehyoon smiled at him and replied, "that's alright!!we'll go back home after this and you'll be okay, yeah?" byeongkwan just nodded, not feeling the need to reply


their food soon arrived.



they ate their food, byeongkwan getting nauseous about half the way through. but when sehyoon gave him a concerning gaze, he pushed through it and ate everything on his plate.

sehyoon decided this had been enough social interaction for the day, so he figured they would go home now.

"did you have a good day today?" sehyoon softly asked as they made it home. byeongkwan smiled and nodded, happily replying, "y-yeah! i-i had alot of fun... thank you sehyoon hyung!" sehyoon loved seeing his smile, and he wasn't afraid to admit that.

"i love your smile bk.. so much" he mumbled as he hugs byeongkwan, just in the middle of the hallway- byeongkwans eyes widened as he began to blush

he loves, and hates, the feeling sehyoon gives him.

he doesn't like how he got attached so easily.

but he enjoys how much the older cares about him..

he just hopes sehyoon doesn't leave him.










"no no no please i don't want to go-" byeongkwan begs as his eyes water.

currently, sehyoon and miss kim are trying to get byeongkwan to go to a therapy appointment, and byeongkwan does not want to go-

sehyoon sighed and walked up to the younger boy, and put his hands on byeongkwans shoulders as he said, "look, you need to go byeongkwan. do you want me to go with you?" byeongkwan sniffled and nodded, quietly replying, "y-yes please..." sehyoon nodded, quietly replying 'okay..'

miss kim watched this scene play out, and she was extremely.. suspicious, of her son and his babysitter. 

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