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after the cute nap, sehyoon had made byeongkwan some hangover soup and gave him some headache medicine...

byeongkwan had fallen asleep again, and by time miss kim had gotten home, byeongkwan was passed out on his bed, and sehyoon was sitting on the couch on his phone.

when sehyoon told miss kim something had happened, she sighed and sat down.

"did he get drunk?" she asked while looking at sehyoon, who awkwardly nodded.. she sighs again... "i knew this would happen eventually- maybe i should just leave my job and stay with him i'm so sorry sehyoon-" she quickly began rambling, feeling bad that sehyoon had to deal with her annoying son like that-

"no no no it's alright!!" sehyoon says, trying to calm down the agitated mother.

he had eventually calmed her down, even if she wasn't that upset-

"uh hey sehyoon,,," miss kim greets sehyoon, who smiles and bows at her.

it's been a few days since byeongkwan had gotten drunk, and miss kim came home from work early to talk to sehyoon..

"what did you need to talk about?" sehyoon asks, sitting down at the dining room table; miss kim sits next to him. she sighs and tiredly asks, "i..have to go overseas for a few days- do you think you can keep byeongkwan?"

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