
139 8 5

not me writing almost all of this chapter on paper in class because they take our phones away💀💀

pls enjoy this chapter!!


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it's such a windy afternoon, byeongkwan fills slightly chilly as the wind gazes through his fluffy brown, he pulls his hoodie closer to his muscular yet petite body, shivering slightly.


resuming his journey home, however, byeongkwan continues to wonder if sehyoon will be at his house when he gets back. he doesn't have work today.. and yes byeongkwan did memorize his work and school and babysitting schedule. but still, there was no reason for him to be there.. yet, byeongkwan hopes he will be there.

it's sad though. he almost feels embarrassment from today.. he said yes to junhees date, that junhee had been begging him for, for weeks, yet he was still technically stood up by him- but maybe, and hopefully, junhee would stop bugging him and move onto simping for donghun.

....doesn't donghun have a boyfriend though?

whatever, it's none of byeongkwans concern now, thankfully.


but, he did begin to remember some not so good memories from this new encounter with junhee.. his baby..... their.. baby... but he tried not to cry about it. yet. it's like he'll never stop feeling guilty.. it never goes away. no matter how hard he tries.


thankfully, he made it back to his house soon. he was hoping sehyoon wasn't still there, somehow though, he wanted sehyoon to be there.. sehyoon always knows how to comfort him. sehyoon makes him feel normal. he makes him forget about his miserable life, his pills, his father, his baby...

he always wants to be around sehyoon, but then he also doesn't want anything to do with the older. he doesn't even know how he feels. pathetic, right?

back on topic though,, he always feels so guilty when he's around the older. it's not sehyoons job to deal with his mental stability. it's sehyoons job to keep him from doing anything stupid while his mother is at work, he's his babysitter for crackers sake.

he remembers the words sehyoon told him a few months ago, during the time he was living with the older male at his house. he wants to believe it's true. but.. it's like he can't. he can't believe someone out there cares about him enough to say that. he doesn't even believe his mum loves him. he doesn't like it, he doesn't like that stupid little voice in the back of his head that doesn't let him be happy. sehyoon literally confessed to him that night, and he still doesn't believe the older boy might have feelings for him.

speaking of sehyoon, byeongkwan walks into his home, and he hears sehyoons husky voice speak from the kitchen, "you're home early"'crap..' he thought to himself as he tried to hold in his tears -which is really difficult might i add- to do successfully.

he just wants to cry.


but he also wants to cry in sehyoons strongs arms.

"y-yeah... junhee somehow forgot about me and when he saw your neighbor, donghun hyung, working there-" he mumbles while setting his stuff down on the couch, he is so mentally drained.. he wants to cry and sleep and cry and sleep then continue that process until he dies of dehydration.

sehyoon came out of the kitchen, wiping his hands on one of their kitchen cloths. he nods as he replies back, "well that's good i guess... i'm glad you got away from him. even if donghun hyung has to suffer- not sure channie is going to like that though....

but uh, i was just making lunch for me and miss kim, would you like to help?"

byeongkwan seemed a little shocked- sehyoon making lunch? for... bk's mum?! he just wasn't expecting that- sehyoons voice and face do not match his cute fluffy kindhearted personality

"s-sure.. i can help..." he mumbles again as he walks to the kitchen, hoping sehyoon couldn't notice his sad sounding voice, he also does want him to notice though..

he hates this.

he hates this stupid battle he's been having with himself for months.


but... luck sadly is not on his side today, because he felt sehyoon grab his wrist before he could walk into the kitchen.

"hey.. what's wrong?" sehyoon asks in a gentle voice, byeongkwan felt so weak under his touch; he physically could not hold in his pain any longer, and he broke down right then and there.


"mind telling me what happened now..?" sehyoon asks as he rubs byeongkwans back with one hand gently, while brushing some of byeongkwans hair away from his eyes with the other.

currently, byeongkwan is straddling sehyoon, hugging him weakly. he sniffled but nodded slowly while looking up and resting his chin on sehyoons chest, he always feel so... comfortable and safe with sehyoon, his feelings are growing..

he doesn't like this one bit.

"j-just being around junhee m-made me think about.... o-our baby... i-i never can stop feeling g-guilty.. e-even though that m-monster made me abort them, i-i still feel like it's m-my fault.... t-they deserved to have a life t-too!!"

sehyoon nods at his words, he can't say he understands because he hasn't been through this... but in a way he can understand this pain..

he just sighs and hugs byeongkwan, holding him closer to his chest as he tries to comfort the younger. he felt that if he hugged him, it would let byeongkwan know that he's not alone, that he'll always have sehyoon. it seemed his affection was helping though.. because byeongkwans violent sobs slowly turned into sniffles.


until it was completely silent.


and sehyoon, knowing byeongkwan painfully well, he knows that the other has just fallen asleep. so he just picks byeongkwan up and takes him to his bedroom, lying him down gently on the quite soft matress. he also knows bk well enough to the point where he knows if he tries to leave, byeongkwan will drag him down to cuddle with him, because our babie loves his cuddles and gets lonely and scared when he sleeps.

sehyoon decides to lay down with byeongkwan, he wrapped his arms around the other more securely, before falling asleep as well.




it was an adorable sight to see, truly.

byeongkwans thigh was over top of sehyoons legs, and his arm was over sehyoons chest, almost like a semi-spooning position. sehyoon had one arm under byeongkwans neck caressing his back, and the other was holding onto byeongkwan waist loosely.


miss kim had gotten home to eat lunch with her hopefully soon son-in-law, instead she found rotting vegetables with burning ramen, and her son cuddling her hopefully soon to be son-in-law


she wasn't even mad- she cleaned up everything in the kitchen and then took way too many pictures of the two boys

oh how much she shipped the two. but she didn't realize at the time, just how complicated everything was with her son.

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