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sehyoon comes home from work to a very silent apartment, he sees all the new groceries put up though, so he knows byeongkwans home

"byeongkwan?" he calls out, but once he doesn't get a reply.. he begins looking around for byeongkwan

he finds the other passed out on the bed, he smiles slightly at how adorable byeongkwan looked. but once he got closer, he noticed byeongkwans puffy eyes.. 'he's been crying?' sehyoon thinks to himself, as he looks concerned at byeongkwan..

he notices a small sheet of paper in byeongkwans hands, he gently removes it and looks at them. 'ultrasounds?!

..these are dated back to two years ago though.... byeongkwan was pregnant?' he once again thinks to himself, beginning to be very worried..

he decides he'll ask byeongkwan about it later. but byeongkwan was wearing denim pants and we all know how uncomfortable those are to sleep in- sehyoon debates whether he should change byeongkwan or not,,,

'he'll be so uncomfortable otherwise.. i'll just look away and put him in a massive tshirt---' he thinks to himself  a g a i n , and quickly looks around for a shirt byeongkwan can wear. he finds some random black shirt and attempts to pull byeongkwans blue jeans off, then he takes his shirt of and quickly puts the black shirt on him; doing all of this with his eyes closed while looking away becuase hes a respectful man[wish we had more of those these days😔😔]

he then puts his fluffiest blanket over byeongkwans clearly cold body, kisses his forehead, and quietly leaves the bedroom


for the next few hours, sehyoon cleans around the house a bit and then decides to watch something on the tv, before he gets a phone call from miss kim

"hello miss kim!" he says cheerfully, but still trying not to be too loud, he hears miss kim reply, "hello there sehyoon! i was just calling to check in on you and byeongkwan!! how has he been? he's been taking his medicines right? has he had any more of his nightmare anxiety episodes?"

she bombards sehyoon with questions- but he calmly replies to all of them, "he's been good! he has taken his medication everyday and he did have one a few days ago but he's okay now! he is currently sleeping in the bedroom like the adorable baby he is" he hears miss kim sigh in relief at the beginning than she begins to laugh at the end

she finishes off the phone call by saying, "i have to get back to work now,, but i needed to see how the two of you we're doing, when he gets up tell him i love him!! bye bye now sehyoon" and she hangs up before he can even think of a reply

he just continues to watch this drama on the tv and waits for byeongkwan to get up.



soon byeongkwan came waddling out of the bedroom, the blanket wrapped around his shoulders while he rubbed his eyes with very messy hair- sehyoon cooed slightly at the adorable sight and opened his arms, becuase he knows byeongkwan likes to cuddle after he wakes up from naps

"did you sleep well?" sehyoon asked softly, as byeongkwan crashed into his chest, byeongkwan nods and mumbles something into sehyoons chest, and begins falling back to sleep- "yah! you won't be able to sleep tonight if you go back to sleep" sehyoon says as he tries to shake byeongkwan back awake

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