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"mama welcome home~!!" byeongkwan says as he hugs his mother, who called them this morning and said she was coming home, so byeongkwan and sehyoon went to the house and clean everything up and make lunch for her.

she smiles and hugs her son back, while also smiling at sehyoon and mouthing to him, 'thank you for taking care of him' sehyoon nods and smiles at the small family reunion.

"s-so much happened while you were gone mama!! even.. j-junhee came back...." byeongkwan mumbles while still hugging miss kim, his eyes even starting to water as well. miss kim's eyes widen as she sits them on the couch, silently asking byeongkwan to explain what happened

byeongkwan explained everything, from bumping into junhee and the flashbacks and the pictures and the whole situation- his mom sighed and hugged him as she whispered, "i'm so sorry sweetie.."

this whole time sehyoon has just been awkwardly sitting in the corner,,,

but miss kim had an idea-

"why don't you let sehyoon take you out for dinner?" she asks while gesturing to sehyoon, who's eyes widen as he points to himself, byeongkwans mom snorts and says, "yes you!!! i've seen the way you guys are together, it would be lovely to spend an evening with one another!"

byeongkwan blushes as he mumbles, "like.. a-a date?" miss kim smirked and said "if that's what you want it to be" while winking, before she shoved sehyoon to the door and byeongkwan to his room as she screamed, "NOW GO GET READY"


around two hours later, here the two are at a nice restaurant miss kim forced them to go to. she seemed really eager to have these two on a date together-

even if they've known each other for months, it feels as if this is their first meeting- they are both very shy and awkward-

"YAH! why are we being so awkward together?! we've known each other for so long!!!" byeongkwan says as he glares at the older, who shrugs and says, "i-i don't know.. i think it's because we both know this is a date that we were forced into by miss kim-" byeongkwan nods and replies, "good point- but yAH! if this is a date as you say, let's pretend it's our first meet!!

hi~ i'm kim byeongkwan!" if you told someone this was the same boy that once had to be sung to sleep from a nightmare, and who has been a very panicked gay under the gaze of le kim sehyoon, you wouldn't believe they're the same person-

but sehyoon, being the good friend he is[when i tell you i almost published this with that saying boyfriend-] decided to play along with it, so he cleared his throat and said, "hello! i'm kim sehyoon!!"

byeongkwan starts a conversation like he would any other date by saying, "how about... we play 20 questions!" sehyoon nods as he smiles at the younger male


they played a decent game of 20 questions, basic stuff like 'what's your favorite color' 'your favorite foods' 'favorite my little pony character' and the basic totally normal stuff like that!!

it was pretty fun, but byeongkwan did get pretty jealous when the waiter was flirting with sehyoon- especially when he tried to give his number to sehyoon- 'slut' byeongkwan thought to himself while glaring at the waiter

when the waiter touched sehyoons shoulder, byeongkwan had enough. he stood up and walked over to sehyoon, he looked the waiter dead in the eyes before he grabbed sehyoons collar and smashed his lips onto the older-'s

it became a heated kiss very quickly- it's like the two forgot they were just here for miss kim- sehyoon held onto byeongkwans tiNY waist while byeongkwan held onto sehyoons perfect jawline-

they broke apart after a moment, and byeongkwan glared at the waiter once more as he said, "stay away from my boyfriend." the waiter looked terrified as he bowed and said, "i-i'm so sorry.. h-here's your bill-" before running away

sehyoon smirked as byeongkwan blushed and sat back down, he raised an eyebrow as he asked, "what was that about sweetie?" byeongkwan turned redder than a tomato as he mumbled, "s-shut up.. he was flirting with you!!" sehyoon chuckled and said, "so what? it's not like we really are dating! but i mean, that was a pretty good kiss" as he winked

it hurt byeongkwans heart when he said that.. because yet again they're being stupid boys and ignoring the obvious fact that they have feelings for each other.

but he didn't want to show his hurt, so he laughed and said, "y-yeah it was.."

they(more like sehyoon) paid for their food, not giving the waiter a tip, and then they left. miss kim also payed for them a drive in movie thing, so she also forced them to bring lots of blankets and pillows

and of course because miss kim breaks the fourth wall and knows about all the cliche fanfictions, she chose a scary movie so her son would be scared and cliche with sehyoon.

they made it to the place, it was fairly easy to find because there is a massive white screen and many cars in the area- they both sighed(not particularly looking forward to sitting in the car for over an hour watching a movie) and parked the car, and then sehyoon pulled out all of the pillows and blankets from the trunk of the car

"do you know what movie mom sent us to?" byeongkwan asked as he got himself situated in his pillows and blanket, they had about eight pillows, four for each, and both of them had a blanket. we do not question where miss kim found so many pillows, sehyoon shakes his head while shrugging and replied, "she just said it was a surprise" byeongkwan nodded and sighed while looking up to the screen

the seating arrangement, at this time at least, are: byeongkwan has one pillow behind him, one on each side of him, and he's holding one like a stuffie while his legs are on the dash. sehyoon as a similar position, except he's laying with his legs over the small compartment in between the two seats and yes his legs reached byeongkwan who was just dealing with the legs on top of him; sehyoon had two pillows on the door he was laying on, one under his legs and one on the seat[i hope this made sense i'm so sorry i suck at englishi-ing T-T] they were comfortable, so they just waited until the movie started

once it finally did start, byeongkwan nearly had a heart attack- of course his mother would pick a scary movie!!! why didn't he realize she would do this sooner-

he sighed and tried to calm down, it's not real!! it's probably just about a magical WITCH!

it's about a serial killer.

well frick byeongkwans life-


about half way through the tournament, byeongkwan gave up- he was terrified and it's already had over four jump scares!

he moved his blanket and pillows, and crawled over to sehyoon, plopping on top of him. "YAH?! what are you doing?!" byeongkwan sighed and put the blanket over himself, before forcing sehyoons arms to wrap around his waist

he turned around and glared at the other as he said "this movie is scary, now protect me." sehyoon snorted but listened to the sassy baby and held onto him tighter, making sure he felt protected

miss kim who definitely didn't stalk them up until this point fist pumped the air as her plan had worked, she ships these two heavily and she has since she met sehyoon!!

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