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byeongkwan has been at sehyoon house for a few days now. nothing much has happened, though the first night byeongkwan freaked out about having to sleep with sehyoon /which is strange because he took a nap with sehyoon,,,/


they had finished dinner and watched a movie and now they're both sleepy.. because all they do is take naps- "we should go to sleep.." sehyoon mumbles as he yawns, already getting off the couch and stretching

byeongkwan nods and rubs his eyes as he slowly gets off of the couch, allowing sehyoon to drag him to their now shared bedroom

while sehyoon got the bed ready byeongkwan brushed his teeth and got dressed in his pajamas, which was a tshirt and sweat pants, and soon sehyoon knocked on the bathroom door and told him, "you can come to sleep now"

byeongkwan mumbled a responded back, but soon his eyes widened as he saw sehyoon getting into the bed, "Y-YAH!! w-why're you getting in the bed too?!" he slightly yelled as his panicked gay came out and his voice cracked

"what, do you have a problem with sleeping with me?" sehyoon asked as he smirked at the panicking byeongkwan

"Y-YES?!" byeongkwan yells as his voice gets higher, sehyoon smirks more and starts to slowly move towards byeongkwan while asking slightly seductively, "well.. what's the matter with it?"

byeongkwans eyes widened and he roughly hit sehyoons chest as he yells, "Y-YAH! stop that!! i-it's just... NO!"

sehyoon smirked at him and lifted the younger boys chin up, as he was looking down while blushing, and says teasingly, "aww did i fluster the baby~??"

byeongkwan blushes and whines slighly as he stomps his feet and says angrily, "i'm not a baby!! a-and n-no, you did n-not fluster m-me!!!" sehyoon laughs and replies "sure~ says the one who's whining and stomping his feet." as he winks; byeongkwan huffs and thought about it.. crossing his arms as he mumbled, "fine! you can s-sleep in the bed with me... b-but stay over there!" as he shoves sehyoon to the opposite side of the bed. he was acting like this was his bed and sehyoon was his guest.

sehyoon makes a small 'tsk' sound and says while sounding slightly annoyed, "i swear you're bipolar.. you literally cuddled me to death when we took a nap earlier!!" byeongkwan blushed again, remembering what he heard sehyoon say earlier; he zoned and began thinking.. 'do i actually feel the same... i think i don't? i feel safe with sehyoon... i don't know!!'

he gripped back into reality when he say sehyoon waving his hand in front of his face saying, "hello~ earth to bk~~" byeongkwan shook his head slightly, trying to make the thoughts to away, and replied, "w-well.. i-i just am weird okay!" he didn't have a proper answer to that statement, but he was still being a flustered mess--

sehyoon smiled and layed down on the bed before patting the spot next to him and mumbling, "just come to sleep.."

~end of flashback~

it's the fourth day byeongkwans been with sehyoon, nothing much has happened.. they wake up, eat breakfast or lunch depending on when they get up, and then sehyoon goes to his afternoon side job thing.

leaving byeongkwan alone..

which usually would be okay... but not today..

it was a normal morning. they ate, sehyoon got dressed and left for his job at a cAt CaFe, and byeongkwan decided to take a nap as he didn't sleep well the best the night before, but he never usually does though -

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