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byeongkwan sobbed louder, pulling on his hair harshly as he breathed heavily

sehyoon didn't know what to do, he just stared at the younger, holding his arms out as he tried to hold onto him, to stop his shaking, but byeongkwan just pushed him away

"b-byeongkwan please tell me what to do- i-i don't know how to help!!" sehyoon says nervously as he tries to grab byeongkwan, who pushed him away again and pulled himself up sharply. he ran around the kitchen, throwing things around and appeared to be looking for something

"b-byeongkwan..?" sehyoon asked slowly while standing back up as well, looking at the younger concerningly. "i-i need it!! i NEED IT!!! WHERE THE HELL IS IT?!" byeongkwan screamed as he pulled open every drawer and slammed open every cabinet, until he found it!

a bottle of vodka.

that's what byeongkwan was holding in his hands. he smiles psychotically and opens the bottle, but before he can drink any, it's pulled out of his hands. sehyoon takes it away from him and says, "no!! you're not supposed to drink this byeongkwan!" byeongkwan glared at him as he tried to grab the bottle with his small hands, but sehyoon held it above his head, the height difference may be small but sehyoon has long arms,

byeongkwan screamed and tried to use his tiny fists to punch sehyoons chest as he yelled, "gIVE IT BACK SEHYOON!!! I-I NEED IT!!" sehyoon held his hand to the youngers chest, to keep him away as he said, "byeongkwan stop!!! stop it!! you are addicted to this! please stop!!" byeongkwan sobbed as he yelled, "i-i know!!!! i know i am but it makes the pain go away!!! i-it makes everything go a-away...!!"

sehyoons hands slowly dropped, he felt bad for the younger.. miss kim hasn't told him the entire story, but sehyoon does know the younger as been through some things...

byeongkwan took that opportunity, and he grabbed the bottle and rushed out of the house, quicker than sehyoon has ever seen someone run- "BYEONGKWAN!" he yelled as he chased the younger out of the house, but before he could catch up, byeongkwan was already out of sight

he groaned in defeat, sighing as he ran his fingers through his hair. he walked back to the house and called miss kim;

after a few rings, she answered the phone and said, "yes sehyoon? what's the matter?" sehyoon sighed again and mumbled quietly, "miss kim..." she noticed the tone in his voice, getting nervous herself as she asked, "...yes?"

he sighs once more and replies, "byeongkwan.. got into a bottle of vodka, he ran away and now i don't know what to do or where he is..." miss kim gasps and quickly says back, "w-what?! oh my word i'm coming home right away!!!" sehyoon doesn't even know what to say, he sighs and says, "alright.. i'll be here...." she hangs up and he rubs his eyes, feeling exhausted from this day even though it's hardly eleven in the morning.

miss kim soon made it to her home, bursting through the door as she says, "sehyoon!!!!" sehyoon looks up from his spot on the couch, scrambling himself up quickly as he rushes over to miss kim, saying quickly as well, "miss kim i-i don't know what to do, i didn't know what to do i-i'm so sorry-"

she sighs and says, "come on.. let's go drive around and look for him..." sehyoon nods, the reason he didn't try to do this earlier is becuase his car broke down, that's why he was late today, and he doesn't have it currently. which is why he had to call miss kim, also because when he got this job, she told him to call her if something like this ever occurred

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