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a week later **

sehyoon was late today... and from what happened when he was late last week, he knows this day is going to be horrible-

though, the reason he's late on this fine day, he may have . . . . forgotten he had work- he woke up late, and it didn't occur to him that it's a tuesday until after he ate lunch..

he's a horrible babysitter, but you don't have to tell him that twice-

"sh*t sh*t sh*t sh*t sh*t" he mumbles under his breath as he rushes into the apartment. quickly unlocking the door, he rushes inside. he's welcomed with a completely silent house...

walking around the living room, he yells out, "byeongkwan?" but he didn't get a response-

he walked around for about five minutes, looking for the younger male, but he didn't hear him or see him anywhere.

until... he heard a crash.. from byeongkwans bathroom..

"byeongkwan?!" sehyoon yells as he runs to byeongkwans bathroom. he opens the door and.. finds the younger on the floor.. laughing -?

walking over to the crackling boy, sehyoon stands over him and examines his face. sighing at how red he was and how messed up his eyes were, he asks quietly, "are you drunk bk..?" byeongkwan opens his previously closed eyes and smiles sheepishly at sehyoon.

he stares up at the older male for a few moments, as sehyoon was just crouched down, still standing over him- he giggles and sits up, pecking sehyoon on the lips-

sehyoons eyes widen- 'what the hell was that?!' he thinks to himself as he blushes- byeongkwan giggles again and boops sehyoons nose sloppily, slouching against the tile wall.

"i'll take that as a yes..." sehyoon mumbles as he tries to ignore the fact that byeongkwan just kissed him on the lips.

he tried to calm down his racing heartbeat by asking, "uh- what were you doing in here?" byeongkwan closes his eyes, smiling as he says sloppily, "nnyeekkkk i wan tak bAF BAF"[nyek i wanna take a bath bath] sehyoon shook his head, sighing and closing his eyes. this day is going to be extremely difficult..

sehyoon picks byeongkwan up, becuase he was struggling to stand up right, and he sits him down on the toilet. he started the bath and the warm water began filling the tub, he knew byeongkwan wouldn't be able to bathe himself-

...he was going to have to bathe byeongkwan.. hAHAA SECOND HAND EMBARRASSMENT yEs!

byeongkwan was just sitting on the toilet, humming a song while swaying his head back and forth.

[have i already written a chapter like this? idk-]

sehyoon thought he looked kind of cute, but he drank, specifically disobeying sehyoon and his mother both. so he's trying to be upset with him, it's not working that well though- because byeongkwan is extremely adorable- we all can agree on that,,

the bath filled up and... sehyoon has been dreading this moment- "can you get your clothes off byeongkwan?" he asks quietly, really hoping byeongkwan can do this on his own- byeongkwan nods,

and he soon tries to take his tshirt off-

but... he hardly got his arm through the arm hole before he almost fell over into the sink- sehyoon groaned, he didn't want it to come to this- he's going to have to get byeongkwan naked... he was dreading this moment as soon as he realised byeongkwan needed to bathe-

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