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...okay so firstly, i didn't know they were having a mv or whatever until the 11th- i also didn't know sehyoon went on hiatus for his depression T^T i miss him, but i'm glad he left to get better becuase depression sucks- also omg down is a bOP I LOVE IT SO MUCH JNIHUGY-


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"w-what happened?" byeongkwan softly asked as he rubbed his tired eyes,

it had been such a day, byeongkwan fell asleep and slept for nineteen hours straight- he didn't exactly remember what all had happened the day before either..

sehyoon smiled slightly at the younger, lying next to him while saying gently, "you've been asleep for nineteen hours.." byeongkwans eyes widen as he shot up, looking around for his phone to check on everything he's missed, but sehyoon stops the younger from looking around as he mumbles, "we took your phone away..."

byeongkwans eyes widen as he asks nervously, "w-what?! w-why!!?" sehyoon looks at him with slight pity, before he responds, "you.... me and miss kim realized that alot of your negative influences were coming from things you were seeing on there.. and we thought you'd be better without junhee always at your finger tips..." byeongkwan was so shocked. what happened? why are the other two being like this? what did he do?!

he rubbed his eyes, trying to get the tired out of them, and looked around, noticing a lot more items in his bedroom than he remembered; he may be crazy, but not THAT crazy- he asked with a slightly confused tone, "uh... why.. is there a bunch of stuff here?" sehyoon chuckles, finding the smaller absolutely adorable-.

"we.. also decided it would be best if i moved in..." he mumbled, trying to stay serious and not he a simp- but he also tried to say it softly enough to not shock byeongkwan to too much- it didn't work though, because byeongkwans eyes widened even more as he yelled, "WHAT?!"

¡¡trigger warning!!

"NO NO NOO!! SEHYOON HYUNG I'M FINE YOU CAN MOVE BACK OUT I DON'T NEED YOU!" byeongkwan screamed while trying to repack all of sehyoons bags, sehyoon sighs and grabs byeongkwans wrist gently, pulling up the sleeves to see many new and old cuts scattered on both of his arms... byeongkwan stops in his tracks and looks down, staring blankly at his arms.

sehyoon sighs and says in his deep possessive yet gentle voice, "byeongkwan. you are not fine. you need me. you need miss kim. you're not stable enough to be by yourself. so stop being stubborn and let us help you."

byeongkwan gulped and slowly nodded, pulling his hoodie back down to cover his wrists slowly. he's nervous.. what all has sehyoon seen? what all does he know? ...does he feel differently about him now? millions of questions were running through his mind.

sehyoon noticed his face, while sighing he grabbed byeongkwans hand, he intertwined their fingers and said gently, "i do not see you any differently than i did before i found everything out. there is a lot we need to talk about with miss kim, but to get better and to keep any stable relationships you have, you have to talk byeongkwan. you need to."

byeongkwan slowly nodded, his ears turning red from the contact. he wanted to try and get better... for sehyoon.

sehyoon got up and went to his bed side table, grabbing a bottle of pills and taking one out. he handed it to byeongkwan and said, "here.. they switched your anti-anxiety pills to be a morning thing. we also need to set up an appointment with your psychologist." byeongkwan nodded again and took his pill, swallowing it quickly because it tasted disgusting-

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