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"byeongkwan.. will you be my boyfriend?"


-a few hours earlier-


it's been a few weeks, byeongkwan is doing.. okay. he's not at his worst, but he's not at his best- his new anti-depressants, sleeping medicine, and anxiety medicine have been working decently, and sehyoon has been staying by his side nonstop.

he occasionally has nightmares, and sadly tonight was one of those nights..


"stop.. stop please stop-"  he whispered as he tossed and turned, shaking furiously. sehyoon woke up, the poor boy has become such a light sleeper due to sleeping with byeongkwan every night.

he rolled to his side, using his left elbow to hold himself up, he held onto byeongkwans shoulder and gently shook him. "hey... bk, bk wake up. you're alright.." he said tiredly, he sounded very dehydrated and groggy, and his eyes were hardly open as he spoke.

byeongkwan jolted awake, his eyes welling with tears as his lip quivered. "s-sehyoon hyung.." he whispered as he hugged sehyoon. the older boy quickly wrapped his arms around byeongkwans waist, before gently pulling byeongkwan close to him, lying back down on the bed.


byeongkwan had stopped crying and shaking, now only sniffling slightly as he tried to dry his tears. sehyoon was holding into him tightly, as byeongkwan was holding onto his shirt for dear life, and he wanted to make the younger felt safe..


"s-sehyoon hyung...?" the quiet voice of the younger boy spoke, as he looked up to sehyoon. sehyoon looked down at him, giving him a questioning gaze as he mumbled, "yeah baby?" the nickname, for the first time, was actually intentional-

byeongkwan eyes began to water again, he whispered slowly,


"i... i love you sehyoon hyung.


i-i have for a while.

please don't leave me.

you can't leave me..



...it's the next day.

sehyoon was speechless when byeongkwan had suddenly confessed; and after staring at him for a while and not getting answers, bueongkwan turned around and fell back asleep.

the older boy didn't know if byeongkwan thought he just rejected him, or if he was just tired or...?


he woke up to an empty bed.

he smelled eggs, and he was curious as to why.. who was making breakfast-? miss kim was at work, and byeongkwan... why would byeongkwan make him breakfast if he thinks sehyoon rejected him?

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