
376 21 13

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it's been three weeks since the babysitting started happening, for the most part everything is going okay....

or so that's what sehyoon believes.

but; on a fairly cold morning, sehyoon made it to byeongkwans house quite late, he missed his alarm and his coffee machine broke- he unlocked the door with the key miss kim gave him,

walking into the large space, the house was completely silent

there was no tv on, no whining beyongkwan, not even the ac was on- that's all unusual.. especially on the byeongkwan part

he looked in the kitchen, expecting to see byeongkwan or even miss kim, but no one was there- there was however, some burning poptart's in the toaster- sehyoon quickly and painfully took the poptart's out before they burned down the house-

'i guess i can go see if byeongkwans awake?' sehyoon questioned himself, not particularly knowing what to do.. agreeing with his own idea however, he set off upstairs to the brats bedroom

making his way to the youngers door, he heard what sounded like.. shivering? and heavy crying coming from the other side

"byeongkwan..?" sehyoon asked while knocking on the door nervously, all he got was some kind of... whine? from the younger

he quickly tried opening the door, but it was locked because of course- he sighed and twisted the nob repeatedly while trying to bust into the bedroom. soon, he succeeded!!

but... he wished he hadn't

byeongkwan was curled into a ball on the floor by his bed, shaking tremendously with hot tears rushing down his very red face. sehyoon ran to the younger and held onto his shoulders as he said, "oh my word byeongkwan!! what happened?!" byeongkwan shook his head violently and continued to shake, sniffling and sobbing so much

sehyoon didn't know what to do, he doesn't even know what's happening... byeongkwan soon stopped though: he continued to shake, but his tears just stopped. just....stopped.

psychotic laughter filled the bedroom. byeongkwan had stared off for a while before he began to pull his hair and laugh hysterically.

byeongkwan's tears began to fill his eyes again as he continued to laugh loudly while pulling at his hair harshly, he started to scare sehyoon

"my fault, my fault, my fAULT, MY FAULT!!! IT WAS ALWAYS MY FAULT!!! HAHAHAAAAAAA!!" he screamed as he stood up, running out of the bedroom while continuing to laugh and cry

sehyoon worriedly followed the younger, he's getting really scared and concerned now...

they made it to the living room, and byeongkwan stopped and looked at the family pictures on the wall. he turned around, looking at sehyoon. well.. sehyoon would describe it as looking through him.

byeongkwan started to speak, looking directly 'through' sehyoon, but sehyoon couldn't understand him.. "myfaultmyfaultMYFAULT!!HAHAHAIT-iT WAS ALWAYSMYFAULT!no...HIS FAULT!!! HE DID THIS!! HIM!MEMEME ME...... NO!!!!! HIM!" sehyoon was so worried now.. what's happening to byeongkwan? what even is he talking about?

byeongkwan continued to laugh while jumping around and clapping happily. he was smiling so brightly while pointing at the family pictures. he looked at a specific one and gasped, he pointed at it and yelled, "THAT ONE!!!" sehyoon was confused, but he slowly picked it up while looking at byeongkwan worriedly; who was just smiling and nodding overly happy at the older

looking at the picture, sehyoon wondered, 'what..? why this one? this just looks like a normal family photo?' before he could ask byeongkwan about it, the other started to scream

he screamed and slowly fell onto his knees, holding his head while shaking it. he looked like he was trying to shake something away..

sehyoon sat the photo down and quickly crouched down to his height, sehyoon tried to hold the youngers shoulders but he screamed and shoved sehyoon away

starting to shake, byeongkwan screamed again and started throwing things around the living room, sehyoin tried to stop the younger as he said, "byeongkwan!!! byeongkwan what's happening??!" byeongkwan started to shake again as he ran into the kitchen. he started to look through every cabinet in the kitchen, shaking so much that he nearly broke off the cabinets

"byeongkwan!! stop it please!" sehyoon says as he runs behind the younger, wrapping his arms around him securely.

byeongkwan tried to kick him away, sobbing loudly while continuing to shake, his cry was so loud and it hurt sehyoon....he sobbed and slid to the floor, sehyoon still holding onto him..


yo i changed this chapter so much- literally i deleted everything and restarted💀💀 but i hope this is better than the original, look forward to the part two of this yeet yeet

also; puppy's tmi, that little crisis byeongkwan has just been through, those happen to me daily :D not sure what they are but yep-

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