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"hey byeongkwan," sehyoon says as he looks over at the younger male, who looks up from his cereal bowl while asking quietly, "yes?" sehyoon chuckles at his adorable questioning reaction and replies, "i've got work soon... do you think you can go get some groceries for us?"

byeongkwan nods while scoffing, he flips his imaginary hair dramatically as he says, "obviously- i'm a StRoNg independent man!!" sehyoon chuckles at him once more and shakes his head while mumbling, "alright.. thanks" as he smiles at byeongkwan, who blushes but sends a small smile back

byeongkwan finished getting their groceries, he was on the way back to sehyoons house, when he sees a group of boys walking towards him-

'why does that one look familiar...'  byeongkwan thinks to himself as he notices one of the boys standing in the front looks very familiar.. 'junhee?!'

byeongkwan suddenly starts to panic...

you see.. kunhee used to be byeongkwans 'special one'-


"h-hello there!"  a smaller boy with brown hair says as he looks up to junhee. junhee smiles at him and replies, "hello!! i'm guessing you're the new student right?'" the other boy nods and junhee continues, "that's great! i'll be your guide for today and maybe we can become friends? i'm junhee by the way" the other boy nods and smiles happily as he replies shyly,"i-i'm byeongkwan!!"

after a few weeks the two boys became inseparable. they were bestfriends-

they did everything together, byeongkwan even transferred classes to make sure he was always with junhee-- that sounds kind of odd, but he just enjoyed being around jun.

they always were at each others houses, more often junhees though, because he was rich (that's not why byeongkwan became friends with him though, he didn't even know junhee had lots of money until a fancy limbo with a fancy butler pulled into the school parking lot one afternoon to pick them up

they were having another sleepover at junhees house, they've been friends for about three years now

"jun hyung.." byeongkwan mumbles as he looks at his bestfriend, junhee smiles sweetly at him and says, "yeah BK?" byeongkwan exhales nervously as he mumbles, "i-i need to tell you something.. something serious..." junhees look became concerned as he replies, "you can tell me anything byeongkwan-"

byeongkwan hides his face in his hands as he says, "i.. i really really have deep feelings for you hyung.. i-it's okay if you don't fee-" he tries to continue... but soft lips meet his own-

he melts into the kiss, before junhee pulls away and wraps his arms around byeongkwans waist. he hugs him close and laughs happily while he says, "i like you too byeongkwan!! will you be my boyfriend?"

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