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how in the fluffetry does this have over 2k reads now- eXCUSE ME WHEN DID THAT HAPPEN?! WHO ALLOWED YOU AMAZING BABIE POTATOS TO GIVE SO MUCH LOVE TO THIS BOOK😭I LOVE YOU ALL SOOOO MUCH, S O M U C H 😭😭😭😭💞💗💞💗💞❤❤ PLS ENJOY THIS CHAPTER [also get out your tissues, this is an emotional one]

/i just wanted to keep this in here because we're almost to 4k now ^-^ /


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"so.... you and sehyoon?" miss kim says as she wiggles her eyebrows teasingly at her son, while taking a sip of her coffee. they're currently eating breakfast together, which is something they haven't done in a very long time.

miss kim has been so busy with work recently that she just took a week off to spend with her son! .....and.. her soon-to-be-son-in-law -

byeongkwan chokes on his waffle, coughing up a lung as he tried to chug down his coffee to shove the waffle out of his throat[that was a horrifying way to explain that-] his mother looks at him worryingly-

soon, he calmed down and inhaled deeply, as he could not breath properly for about two minutes

"what do you mean me and sehyoon hyung?" he asks as he looks at his mother with a panicked gay look, which isn't a look she sees often because her son is a cONFiDeNt Gæ! however, she looks back at him with a 'what the heck do you mean what do i mean?!' look; "you know what i mean! you have been so... distant to love since junhee and... you seem so happy with sehyoon!!" she then began to fake cough before mumbling under her breath, "andyoutwoactlikeboyfriends"

byeongkwan looked at her in a 'i'm sad but i'll cover it up with disgust' look, because although he liked the idea of that, -him and sehyoon being boyfriends- like he's said before, it's like he can't... mentally let himself trust sehyoon. he can't trust that sehyoon won't end up like junhee and his dad.. he can't trust that sehyoon won't leave him or hurt him.

"w-well.. too bad." he mumbles as he moves around the waffle bites on his plate, his mother's gaze softened as she began to understand the situation..

she sat her coffee mug down, getting up from her chair and walking over to his, she sighed while gently holding onto her son's shoulders. she rubbed her thumbs against his tense shoulders soothingly, crouching down to his height as she whispers with her soft mother voice, "baby... he's not going to end up like junhee or.. your father.... he's a good boy, i know he is... i understand why you are worried and feel unsafe, but please.. give it a try..... let him prove to you he can be good..."

byeongkwans eyes brimmed with tears by the end of his mother's statement, the tears slowly drop down his pale cheeks as he closes his eyes and wipes them away while sniffling

he tries to build up his words, soon mumbling while trying to hold in the sobs, "i-it's not- not just t-that... i..... i-i don't feel w-worthy of his-his.. love.... he- he doesn't deserve to d-deal with m-me..."

his mother's heart broke at her son's words, she couldn't believe this.. it's hurting her heart so much. she feels like it's her fault for letting her ex husband and junhee stay in his life when it was so obvious how bad they were, but she was too naive to notice it... but this isn't about her, it's about her son..

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