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[not me rewriting most of this chapter during my dance recital💀💀 also i'm sorry for not edit updating in a while alfjritj- have this cute photo of wowkwan to make up for it,, also oml thank you all so much for over 3k reads on this wooo!!]

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byeongkwan didn't answer sehyoon, he just stared off- he looked absolutely terrible, he was extremely sweaty, his hair was a mess, and he reeked of alchohol-

sehyoon brought him inside and sat him down, crouching down in front of him as he asked again, "byeongkwan.. can you please tell me what happened?" byeongkwan finally looked at him, after just looking around everywhere with his red eyes- he smiled softly, sloppily putting his hand on sehyoons shoulder as he replied drunkenly, "oH nOtHiNg mY sEhHyOoNiEeeee!! i j-jusT went out with some fRiEndS!" sehyoon sighed, he probably wasn't getting a stable answer out of the younger, so he just decided to go get him cleaned up,,

"come on.. you need to shower" he mumbled as he held byeongkwans gReAsY hand, taking him to his master-bedroom-bathroom. he grabbed some clothes; then he sat byeongkwan down on the toilet, byeongkwan was just humming some random song while closing his eyes and swaying his face from side to side-

starting the bath water, sehyoon made sure it wasn't going to burn byeongkwan, then he gulped. there's no way byeongkwan is going to be able to get himself in the bathtub... he can hardly walk right- sehyoon's going to have to help him- closing his eyes and sighing, he stands byeongkwan up, who's giggling at him, and he quickly strips the younger from his sweat and vodka smelling clothing- his breathe hitched as he accidentally touched a part of byeongkwans no no square, but the younger didn't seem to notice as he just continued to hum happily and sway his hips slightly

opening his eyes and looking up, sehyoon guides byeongkwan to the bath water, helping him sit down in it. "haha!! i go fly fly in the fish air!!!!" byeongkwan says as he closes his eyes again and puts his arms out, making a plane sound with his mouth, and sehyoon tried not to uwu at how cute the younger looked- 'nows not the time for uwus, control thyself sehyoon-' he had to tell himself,,

"c-can you bathe yourself byeongkwan?" he nervously asks, because he doesn't know if he can handle being in this room with a drunk, naked, kim byeongkwan any much longer.

byeongkwan nods sloppily, grabbing the shampoo and putting some on his hands, sehyoon sighs and tried to walk away, before byeongkwan began trying to eat the shampoo- "no no nO WAIT BK THAT'S NOT FOOD-"

so yeah sehyoon had to bathe byeongkwan- the younger almost fell asleep when sehyoon was washing his hair, it was so reLaXInG, but he didn't, and continued to stay awake and try to eat the body wash.

sehyoon led the freshly changed and clean byeongkwan to his bed, he laid the younger down, who made a dramatic "oof" sound as his head hit the pillow

sighing once more, sehyoon left the bedroom and cracked the door slightly. his heart couldn't handle this- no, he didn't have feelings for byeongkwan, but he's a slight panicked gay- he tried to reassure himself though because the younger isn't going to remember any of this... right?

"sehyoonieeee" he heard byeongkwan mumble from outside the door after he stood there for probably ten minutes contemplating his lifes choices, he sighed again and slowly walked back into the bedroom. "yes byeongkwan?" byeongkwan pouted and made grabby hands towards him, silently asking sehyoon to lay with him; sehyoon rolled his eyes and slowly laid down with the younger, who giggled and hugged him tightly, lying his head on sehyoons chest; sehyoon blushed- the younger was snuggling so close to him and it made his heart race-

...he doesn't have feelings for byeongkwan right? right? there's no way, he can't-

"sing me a song sehyoonie!!" the younger asks cutely, looking up to sehyoon with big doe eyes. sehyoon mentally groans, he can't sing-

but after byeongkwan literally began crying, sehyoon quickly said, "oh my goodness no you big baby i'm sorry okay i'll sing-" his words didn't make much since, but byeongkwan seemed to understand just fine so-

sighing aGaiN, sehyoon brainstorms a song he could sing that would make the younger fall asleep as soon as bloody possible, and decided on a song he wrote himself... it's called, clover-

sometimes i see you for some reason
i’m surprised too, from when
what do you do with this heart
still looking at you
baby falling down down
i just go to you like this
no more reason

throw it away so i can always smile
so no one can beat you
i’ll protect you from here
never down down
as you are
so that i can remain

you’re the girl of my life
you’re the one my love
you’re my blue ocean eyes
i’m going to you now

oh can i love you
everything becomes beautiful
because of you

and i found love
start here
everything to you
i’m overwhelmed, i can’t breathe

and i found love
it starts here
everything from you
in this endless wandering, you are my only

clover clover clover
clover clover clover
clover my clover

it turns blue, even my heart
i feel like a wave called you will hit me

wave wave wave wave surf
too busy to swim
stay still
i think i’ll fall for more
wait wait nope

take my hand and that’s okay
dance for you again today
sometimes even
if you’re lost in love
because that’s you

you’re the girl of my life
you’re the one my love
you’re my blue ocean eyes
i’m going to you now

oh Can i love you
everything becomes beautiful
because of you

and i found love
start here
everything to you
i’m overwhelmed, i can’t breathe

and i found love
it starts here
everything from you
in this endless wandering, you are my only

clover clover clover
clover clover clover
clover my clover

to you right now
i want to go right now
the white cloth and the wind are ready
i’ll fly to you, run away together

now here baby you and me
even if everything changes
if we’re together, we just do it love

he sang it beautifully, and by time the end byeongkwan was sound asleep- he sighed and instead of even trying to move or anything, he just fell asleep right there with byeongkwan

sorry this was so short 😭 it's been so crazy here lately i haven't had much time to do anything oml- but new updates should be out soon i promise!!

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