When The Lights Go Out

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Alarmed, Ronnie pulled her legs up onto the sofa, looking anxiously around in the blackness. The room was as dark as the void; she couldn't even really see Katherine on the sofa next to her, although she could feel her presence, hear the sound of her stilted breath. She was scared too - why wouldn't she be? She had no idea what was going on.
Something was moving in the dark; she could hear it sliding over itself, see the echoes of motion as it darted around them. The dark was all consuming; chilling, it made her shiver, stealing the breath for her lungs.

A low laugh echoed in the darkness. "Veronica..."  Ronnie tensed. The creature laughed again. Ronnie saw a flash of writhing tentacles in the black. "I know you can hear me. Where are your friends, Veronica?" Ronnie recoiled back against the sofa. She couldn't see, but she was sure she could sense it reaching for her with its long, slimy tendrils. "...You left them, Veronica, didn't you?" It purred. "You left them when they needed you. They need your help, Veronica. But you left your friends- you abandoned them..."

Ronnie knew she shouldn't let it get to her- that was what the demon wanted- but damn, it knew where to hit; how to dig its hooks into her insecurities. She could feel the tears welling up behind her eyes, a lump settling in her throat, her voice being sucked away in a ragged hiss. She couldn't move; her limbs were like lead, dragging her down until she was fixed to the seat. She couldn't help think it was right... She was such a failure...

The darkness seemed to grin at her.

And then help came from a perhaps-unexpected source. A hand reached out and seized Ronnie's in the dark. "Enough!" Katherine said, her voice ringing out, as crisp and clear as a bell. "That's enough. Leave her alone."

The beast chuckled, a low, throaty laugh. "What are you going to do?"

Katherine narrowed her eyes, peering into the darkness. "You're the one that hurt Mia, aren't you?" She barked, taking a defensive stance in front of Ronnie. "I won't let you hurt anyone else! I won't!"

Still the monster laughed more, in evident delight. "I can taste your grief. It is... appetising."

Katherine had located the movement of the creature in the dark. Her jaw set in determination. "You can taste my rage." And then her tail- oh, her tail!- lashed out, striking like a serpent into the darkness; once, twice and again! There was an ungodly screech; she'd hit the creature and evidently had delt some damage. Black ichor stained the end of her tail when she retracted it.
Gripping Ronnie's hand harder, she pulled the other girl close by her side. "Stay with me, we'll get out of this."

Above them, the previously quenched electric light flickered, on and off as the demon thrashed and wailed in pain and rage. Taking their chance, Katherine pulled Ronnie towards the door, yanking it open and them both out into the hallway before slamming it shut. She pressed her back to the door, sealing it shut. "Oh God." She panted, eyes screwed shut; fear now showing on her face where bravery had been a moment before. "Oh God. Oh God." She only rose from the door when the sound inside had died; not even looking back at it.
Across from her, Ronnie stood; shivering, eyes wide in horror, hands wrapped around herself. She looked very cold and very lost, and very alone.

Walking towards her, she wrapped an arm around Ronnie's shoulders, pulling her close. "You're alright. You'll be alright. I'm here. I've got you." Ronnie dissolved, clinging to Katherine like one would to a life buoy.
"Come on." Katherine said softly to the emotionally wrecked girl. "Let's find the others." Ronnie went with ease, allowing Katherine to steer them both away down the corridor.

There's a twist (actually a couple of them, but this one relates directly to the Whisperer) coming up in the next couple of chapters, but if you've been paying really close attention, it is possible you may have already figured it out. Has anyone? XD

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