Out In The Open

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A/n: Chapter contains talk of mental health issues (Depression, self-harm, suicidal thoughts etc.) May be upsetting for some people, proceed at your own discretion.
I'm trying to keep the tone of the book overall fairly light (At most, I'm hoping for a Tim Burton-y Gothic vibe), however due to the setting, subjects such as this may come up on occasion.

It was cold outside in the supervised smoking area. Nyx shivered, crossing her goose-pimpled arms over herself as Ronnie took the odd drag from her cigarette, seemingly spending more time holding it than actually smoking it as she talked to Nyx.

"So what are you actually in here for? You seem like a pretty together person."

Nyx sighed, raising her eyes to the heavens. "Oof, that's a rabbit hole I'd rather not go down."

"Well, now I'm worried." Ronnie chuckled. "What you do, try to kill someone?"

Nyx couldn't help the laugh that escaped at that. "Well... Not quite that far..."

"Damn." Ronnie sniggered, taking a drag of the cigarette. "Don't get on your bad side."

Nyx chuckled, coughing slightly at the drift of smoke that wafted towards her, wrinkling her nose in distaste at the smell. "So..." She started, not quite sure how to approach. "... What about you? What are you here for?" She chuckled awkwardly, making a joke out of the question. "You try to kill someone?"

Ronnie shrugged nonchalantly. "Myself." She took another draw on the cigarette. "Or at least, that's where they think I was heading."

Nyx's eyes went wide. "Oh damn, I'm sorry. I didn't mean..."

"Don't be." Ronnie shrugged again. "I've been here a while, I don't do that shit anymore. Still not allowed sharp objects though."

She stubbed out the cigarette on top of the nearby bin. "Not that that could stop me if I was really determined."

"What- Holy fuck!" Nyx yelped, jumping out of her skin. Ronnie laughed; as she'd spoke, she'd pulled up her top lip in a semi-snarl, to reveal what appeared to be a pair of insect mandibles resting on her gums above her teeth.

"Your face!" Ronnie cackled, covering the twitching appendages back over with her lip. "You weren't expecting that!"

"Wh… How?" Nyx managed.

"Same as you." Ronnie replied. Grinning, she sang playfully. "My daddy ain't my daddy, but my daddy don't know.."

"Ah." Nyx said, nodding. "... Insect teeth?"

"It's not as bad as you might think, mood ring." Kicking at the dirt, Ronnie chuckled, shaking her head. "There's several of us here. A right proper witches coven- well, if you believe we could ever get that organised."

"Come on girls, it's time to hurry it up now." The nurse, who'd been standing a respectful distance away supervising, said as she began walking over to them. "You've both got other places to be soon."

Ronnie pouted at her. "Soon isn't now."


"Alright, alright." She grumbled, turning to Nyx. "We'll hang out later, yeah?"

Nyx nodded quickly.

Ronnie leant in as they headed back inside. "Smile, or the Whisperer will get you."

Since I couldn't achieve a full chapter on the main book this week, I figured this could tide you over! Hope you like it! :)

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