Tired Eyes

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Nyx was sitting upright in her bed, waiting, when the creature came down through her bedroom ceiling that night.

"You're not the only creature, are you?" Nyx stated. "That's what you've been trying to say. You're trying to use me against them. But why? Why me? Why are you coming to me?" Suddenly overwhelmed with boldness, Nyx threw back her covers, swung her legs over the side of the mattress and stood, striding towards the mysterious being. "What's it to do with me? What's your connection to me?"

Suddenly the creature rushed towards her, freezing Nyx in her tracks, freezing her to the bone like she had been drenched in a bucket of ice. Her vision hazed and blurred as the creature swirled around her, buffeting her and knocking her off kilter. The whispering- oh, the whispering! It thundered in her head, burrowing down into her skull and burning into her soul. The words! What were the words? She wanted to know, she wanted to understand! What did it all mean?

Overwhelmed, she dropped to the floor on her knees, like seeking salvation; head pounding, vision swimming, she cried out...!

And the next thing she knew, she was waking up in her bed, eyes cracking open to the sunlight creeping in through the tiny window.


"Nyx, are you alright?" Ronnie asked softly from across the table at breakfast.

Nyx stared dead ahead, eyes wide and unblinking, her exhaustion evident in the deep black bags under her eyes; her skin bloodless and tight, hand gripping her spoon in a tight, strangle-hold. "We need to get back into solitary. We need to know what's behind that door."

"... O-okay..." Ronnie said warily like Nyx had completely cracked her nut- hey, maybe she had; she wasn't sure anymore- and looked around for Perry to help.


A pair of high red heels made their way across the floor. Doctor Hannan made a deadline towards their table; dressed to the nines in an elegant beige pencil skirt and pink blouse decorated with strawberries. One graceful manicured hand came down on the table beside Nyx; long, boldly painted nails striking an awfully lot like talons. Blinking like a startled owl, Nyx looked up  into Doctor Hannan's face, at her grinning red lips. "You're with me today, darling."

Sorry I haven't updated in a while! University got really distracting. Hopefully it'll get better from now on- luckily, I think this story is getting quite close to the end XD

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