Sweet Dreams And Waking Nightmares

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Nyx jumped in fright, tumbling backwards until she slammed into the wall.

Above her, on the steps, crouched a woman; skin bloodless white, dressed in a simple white gown, with a wild mess of fright-white hair sprouting from her head. Holding Nyx's gaze unblinking, the strange apparition raised one long, ghostly finger to her lips; mouth peeling into a secretive smile.

Nyx eyed the being warily.

The crone sniggered; shuffling forwards on the steps towards her until they were nearly level with each other. Slowly, the woman reached out a haggard hand; Nyx flinching as she felt her icy fingers touch her cheek.

"Pretty child." The strange woman crooned, voice harsh as metal being dragged over stone, but bearing a soft lilt like that of a mother trying to soothe a fretful babe. "Sweet child."
She began to laugh then, and crying too; quietly at first and then raising in volume, silver tears streaming down her cheeks as she threw back her head to scream; shrieking her pain and her pleasure into the heavens.

Nyx's blood ran cold. Stumbling to her feet, she scrambled to get away from the sound; sealing her hands over her ears as she ran down the corridor with a terrified sob.

As she reached for the door at the end of the corridor, it swung open; trapping her behind it as she scurried for somewhere to hide. Through it charged Doctor Montgomery, oblivious to her presence as he honed in on the sound, wielding of all things a walking stick; a very confused Doctor Johnson following closely on his heels.

She didn't stay to watch; slipping behind them through the door and legging it back to her corridor. As she ran, a wind began to rise, sweeping down the corridor after her; and a musical voice whispered in her ear. "Too late... Too late..."

Bursting into her bedroom, she slammed the door shut behind her; bracing herself against it for good measure as the blood pounded deafeningly in her ears. As the world around her quieted and her breathing slowed, she slid down the door to sit with her back against it; a wave of exhaustion washing over her.

Tired, she leant her head back against the wood; closing her weary eyes. As she drifted off to sleep, she could swear she could hear a soft voice whisper in her ear. "Sweet dreams."

Sorry its short, probably should have stuck it on the end of the last chapter like I'd originally planned, but I hadn't the energy then.

So what do you make of Nyx's night time escapade? It's been quite the ride, I think XD

I was originally going to put music with this, but I couldn't find anything suitable, so I figured hey, silence is creepy too XD

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