Secret Codes

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It was the rec-room down the hall from the staircase to Solitary where they met to talk; gathering in a huddle on two pushed-together sofas.

"No, no way. I'm not doing this." Ronnie shook her head vigorously. "I'm sorry, but I'm not risking getting in trouble for you again."

"... Okay." Nyx said, surprised but understanding really. The breaks on her ardent plan-making suddenly pulled, she looked around the circle of faces looking at her, a niggling hunch on her mind. "Wait, just checking... who actually wants to be involved?"

"I do." Jayson grinned, raising his hand. "I am in. Most exciting thing to happen in this place in ages."

"I guess I'm in then." Perry sighed. "Someone has to supervise the pair of you."

"Periwinkle!" Jayson acted mock-offence. "What do you think we're going to get up to? She's like a sister to me!" Laughing, he put an arm around Nyx's shoulders, patting her hand beside him on the couch. "Now, you listen to your bad-influence big brother, I'll tell you my plan. Perry, you're needed anyway, we need you to be lookout and run interference."

"Why me?"

"Because nobody ever suspects you. It's easy, you just need to waylay anyone coming long enough for us to get out."


"All clear." Jayson hissed, creeping out around the corner, Nyx following behind him. Quickly, they scurried up the stairs, careful not to make a sound.

Reaching the door at the top, Jayson gestured her to step forwards. Pulling out the piece of paper from where she'd tucked it inside her top, Nyx hurriedly tapped in the code...

... and nothing happened.

Jayson let out a groan.

"They must have changed it!" Nyx hissed.

"They must have noticed something was up last time." He exclaimed in annoyance.

So what now? Nyx narrowed her eyes at the door; an idea was beginning to occur. Placing her palm flat against the door, she tried to remember how she was meant to do this; she hadn't much experience purposefully  forcing a vision, and even less controlling what she wanted to see. She just had to hope her skills were developed enough. She only needed to look back a tiny bit.

And then she felt a familiar pull, and in a blink, her eyes turned silver.

Doctor Montgomery walked up to the door. Standing behind him, she watched over his shoulder as he types in the code; memorising what he pressed.

She blinked again, and suddenly she was back in the present. Raising her hand, she swiftly tapped in the new code- the door unlocking with a familiar mechanical click.

Drawing back,she nearly jumped out of her skin; Jayson was staring at her, slack-jawed and unnervingly unblinking- face inches from the side of her own. "What did you just do?"

"... I'll explain... Later." Nyx said, quickly ducking out from under his gaze as she pushed open the door and slipped inside.

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