Forged Bonds

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Katherine and Ronnie ran hand-in-hand down flights of stairs as an alarm blared somewhere in the building. Ronnie was almost laughing in wild glee, adrenaline pounding in her ears along with the sound and a wide grin on her face. "Where are we going?"

Katherine just hurried them along faster. Then, at last, they reached a small stretch of hall and saw ahead what looked like a white garage door. "Employee parking." Katherine crowed victoriously. Swinging her tail, she dug the point into the concertina'd metal, dragging it up and tearing them a hole wide enough to get through.

There was a sprinkling of cars in the indoor parking lot, but there was only one that had their attention. Walking towards it, they ran their hands over the glossy coat of the Bentley. "Doctor Montgomery's car."

One smashed back window later and they were crawling forward into the front seats, Katherine rummaging around and pulling out wires to hotwire it. Ronnie cackled as the car sparked to life. "Katherine, I could kiss you."

Katherine sniggered. "You'd have to take me to dinner first."

Ronnie shrugged. "You like Mexican?"

Katherine sat up, then leant back in her seat, looking at Ronnie with an appraising eye as she stretched her arm along the top of the seats. "Ver-on-i-ca..." Katherine whistled low.

"What can I say?" Ronnie said with a gleam in her eyes. "I've found a new lease on life."


"Jayson... Jayson...

In his unconscious state, Jayson stirred; a hand repeatedly smacking his face. Jayson groaned. "Father...?"

"If you start calling me Daddy, I will personally turn you into shark chum."

Now that voice sounded familiar. Jayson screwed up his face and peeled open one eye. "Perry?"

"Yup." Perry said, slapping him once on the cheek for good measure before turning it into a friendly pat. "Whole place has gone to shit! Aren't you lucky I came back for you?" Perry laughed at Jayson's expression. "Oh, don't look at me like that. It was fun running with your baby sis for a while; she's got potential. But nah, needs a few more years on her yet. She's slaughtered your pet though- sorry about that." Perry experimentally poked Jayson's limp arm and whistled. "Wow, Ronnie did a proper number on you."

Jayson glared daggers as the other warlock put Jayson's arm over their shoulders and helped him to stand. "You know what this reminds me off?" Perry chuckled as they started off down the hall. "That time I sprung you from the nick in Florence. Or that time you broke me from the freak show. Or that time in the war in New Orleans..."

"-Perry, shut up."

Please like and comment your thoughts! There's probably about 1 more chapter to go and then this is all wrapped up- so excited!

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