New Arrivals

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"There's some Shadowhunters here." Ronnie whispered as she caught up to Nyx in the hallway; looping their arms together so she could gossip in her ear. "I saw them, by the main stairs."

"Oh great." Perry said sarcastically, joining their huddle by coming up behind them and slinging an arm around each of their shoulders. "Someone got a personal escort. Bet they go straight to solitary." Perry scoffed. "They're probably running out of room up there."

"I bet they're here because of the Whisperer!" Ronnie said hopefully.

Perry shook their head, moving their arms down to become the middle link of their chain. "No, it wouldn't be that."

"Why not?"

"Someone has just died." Nyx added.

"Oh, don't tell me you're buying into this too." Perry complained. "People die here all the time, they've never cared about it before."

"Well, according to you there is nothing to care about." Nyx said slyly. "The monster doesn't exist."

"Exactly." Perry teased back.

"A stance which, quite frankly, in the world we live in is ridiculous." Ronnie stated.

Nyx quickly nodded in agreement. "She's got a point. When it comes down to it, never say never. Weird stuff does happen here." 'Very weird, in some instances.' Such as the strange happenings going on at night.

"Warlock asylum." Perry reminded her. "It's like Hogwarts for the mentally unstable."

"Well, we'll find out in the next few days, won't we?" Ronnie said. "Whether they're here for the creature or not."

"They're not. Trust me."


"Okay, so he turned up to observe lunch, but that doesn't mean they're looking for a monster."

"Your arguments are weak, Perry. Weak." Ronnie said, stabbing macaroni with her fork. "Why else would he be here, because he's been made hall monitor?"

"Argh, fuck, is he looking this way?" Nyx said anxiously, hiding behind her hair.

"...No." Ronnie said, craning her neck over the crowd to look at the blond man dressed head to toe in black. "Why? Do you want him to?"

"No! Heck no." Nyx put her head in her hands, chuckling sardonically at herself. The last thing she needed right now was Jace finding her here; that would just be the icing on this particularly lousy cake.

"Do you know him?" Perry asked.

Nyx nodded; then shook her hand, meaning 'somewhat'.

"Ah." Perry nodded. "You in trouble with him?"

"I'm trying not to be."

"Do you think they'll let us know if they find anything?" Ronnie questioned.

"They won't." Perry said flatly. Whether what was meant was that they wouldn't tell them or that they wouldn't find anything was unclear; but both were true to Perry's sentiment.

Ronnie pouted. "We could ask."

"I thought you were scared of the creature?"

"I am, but I'm dead curious too. I really want to know what's going on."

"Go on then. Ask him next time he comes this way."

"Oh no." Nyx chuckled, leaping to her feet. "I'm not being caught here."

"Where are you going?" Perry laughed; only for her to grab them by the arm and pull them along with her.

"Come on!"

"Wait for me!" Ronnie said, laughing as she scrambled up out of her seat, hooking on to Nyx's other side to shield her from view as she joined them on their mad quest.

Slipping through the doors, they were laughing together like a bunch of raucous school kids as they raced and played through the corridors; whooping and caterwauling with excitement at their daring, they nearly ran straight into a second Shadowhunter, who Nyx recognised as Isabelle; nearly ran into her quite literally in fact, but backpedaled quickly enough to turn off and continue their path down a different way.

So, the Shadowhunters have finally arrived! Do let me know what you think! I know it got a bit word-salad towards the end, but hopefully it's alright XD

Also, has anyone worked out the connection between the last chapter of this and my last update of Reflections of Light yet? XD

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